A bad feeling about this

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*Writer's note - This is the first chapter of the Anton/Evil Justin trial..

Expect lots of drama, but please don't expect technical accuracy / realism as I realised as I was writing it that I haven't actually got a clue as to how trials work :)

"Would the accused please stand?"

Jen watched carefully as Anton Severus got to his feet. He was very much back in Justin mode, she guessed that was a tactical ploy. He was clad in the sort of suit he'd worn when whizzing around Cordonia in the limo with them during the engagement tour, and had a nervous look on his face. Rightfully so.

"Anton Severus," said the judge. "You stand trial on the following counts. I will list them with the most serious count first, and all others in chronological order. Count one. Between the dates of 25 August and 26 October of this year, plotting to assassinate the Cordonian monarch, His Majesty King Rick of Cordonia. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty," Anton said, quietly.

Jen looked across at Rick, who was sitting to her left. He had a poker face.

"Count two. On August 25 of this year, organising a terrorist attack on a private event at the Royal Palace, with the intent to cause injury and loss of life to those in attendance, including the attempted murder of Drake Walker and grievous bodily harm to Lady Kiara of Castellsarrian. How do you plead?"

Jen looked across at Drake, who was sitting a little further to her left, in-between Kiara and Hana.

"Not guilty."

"Count three. On September 21 of this year, administering a terrorist attack on the Royal Cordonian Orchard at Applewood, and destroying the historic crop of apple trees. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

"Count four. On September 30 of this year, arranging a subsequent terrorist attack on the Royal Palace, resulting in the death of King Father Constantine of Cordonia, and causing grievous bodily harm to a member of the King's Guard. How do you plead?"

Jen glanced at Rick again, his expression still stoic.

"Not guilty."

"Count five. On October 9 of this year, the poisoning of Countess Madeleine of Fydelia. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

"Count six. On October 10 of this year, holding Duchess Jen of Valtoria and Duchess OIivia of Lythikos at gunpoint, and causing significant damage to the Nevrakis family fault. How do you plead?"

He sighed, as if getting bored. "Not guilty,"

"Count seven. On October 26 of this year, being responsible for a terrorist attack on the cathedral boutique, including the attempted murder of a member of the King's Guard and assault on Duchess Jen of Valtoria, Duke Bertrand of Ramsford, Duchess Olivia of Lythikos, Countess Madeleine of Fydelia, Lady Kiara of Castellsarrian, Lady Penelope of Portavira, Lady Hana Lee and Ms Ana de Luca. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

"And finally, count eight. On October 26 of this year, the kidnapping of Duke Maxwell and Duchess Jen of Valtoria, and Duchess Olivia of Lythikos, and the subsequent assault on King Rick of Cordonia. How do you plead?"

Anton stared right at Jen and Rick at this point. "Not. Guilty."

Jen sighed, and was glad when she felt someone take her right hand. She squeezed the offending hand tightly.

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