Part 4

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Fresh POV

I was in my skeleton form and I looked up at my brother error and my sister was shocked to see me I waved to her and she hugged me I noticed that inky was sitting alone at the window looking out off the window.

As I stoped hugging my lost sis and brother I walked over to inky as she smiled and I sat down with her.

Inky what are you thinking about I asked her as she looked up at the star's and then at me.

I patted inky as I told her everything will be alright she turned into her form and I seen the scars that Leo did I looked back at the other's as they seen inky arm.

Blue POV

I was shocked to see my friend inky hurt I ran to her and try to heal her arm and it worked as inky was talking to me dream and nightmare was blushing at cross and killer what in the world as I looked at cross and killer was wearing I noticed that cross was in a tux and killer was in a sexy dress. 

I poked Nightmare and he fainted dust laughed at this as Gino had something for me to wear ohh no I turned into a cat and started to run and hide the other's did the same but it was fun to see error and fresh trying to catch us to put these outfits on.

I noticed that inky was blushing at error and walked over to him as error seen this he back up and hit into the wall and kissed him.


Then I covered my mouth and looked to see if I gave my hiding spot away as I seen Gino I teleport on top off dust and horror along with cross.

We both held our breath's and stayed calm.

Reaper POV

I was walking home when I noticed my ex girlfriend was back in town I didn't have time to get away and I didn't feel like dealing with her right now as she grab me I told her not to she let go and said reaper so good to see you let's talk.

Sorry but my wife is waiting for me to be home and I don't want to talk to you as I was about to walk away she stopped me and used blue magic I yelped as I called Gino name.

Gino POV

I felt reaper call my name out in a painful voice I teleport to him and seen his ex I summon my bones and hit her she let go off reaper as I catch him and held him up.

What are you doing back here you leave us alone reaper is happily married to me. I felt my belly go into a lot off pain gothy was coming I told reaper he was shocked and picked me up and teleport me to the hospital where I had my baby girl gothy.

After a long while I heard some small baby cry's reaper held our baby girl as I nuzzle into him saying how she has her fathers eye's. I held my baby gothy as she looked up at me and giggled I let her feed then let her sleep next to me I also felled asleep with her in my arm's knowing that I'll rest easy for the next couple off nights.

I held gothy in my arm's and made sure I didn't drop her on the ground as I sleep.

Nightmare POV

I was licking killer neck and purring into her neck as she was a moaning mess I couldn't help it I just loved her so much.

As killer was turning into her skeleton form I also did as well and I started to kiss her deeply and play with her breast as I sucked and licked her breast.

After awhile I slammed into her thrusting up into her as she moaning out my name and keep on kissing her I told her that I loved her and I'll make sure that I will look after our baby. She said love you to as I keep thrusting up while she thrusting down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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