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"Wha- Again?"
Jirou looked down at the small heart shaped paper laying at the very bottom of her school backpack. She doesn't know when it started, but occasionally she would find similar red paper hearts laying around inside her backpack, locker, or her desk. At first, she easily ignored it. Simply threw them away and didn't think much of it. Figured it must've been some childish prank from one of her classmates. But it hasn't stopped since then, and now she's finding herself dying from curiosity and the suspicion directed at her classmates only grew with each heart she received.

Who could it be? She asked herself, who would be interested enough in someone like her to-

Her thought was vastly interrupted with a knock at her door. She swiftly hid her backpack under her bed.

"Come in!"
The door opened to reveal her best friend Momo standing at the other side, her face was flustered and her whole body was trembling. Jirou was convinced that she was going to pass out and dashed at her side.

"Momo are you ok?!"

"May I stay here for a few minutes I don't think I can go outside right now" she answered with a trembling tone. Before the raven haired could answer, the tall girl had sat down in her bed covering her face with her hands.  Jirou was starting to get worried, she walked over to her and sat next her.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anyth-"

"Todoroki asked me out."

Jirou can feel her eyes growing wide while trying to hold back a smile. She knew how much Momo liked him and it took alot for her to keep herself from shaking her friend and scream in excitement. She was happy for her bestie.

"Then what's the problem? Don't you like him?"

Momo released an exasperated sigh, "I really do...but I'm afraid that if we start going out I'd be distracted from my school work and fall behind "

From hearing this, Jirou raised an eyebrow. It was expected for someone like Momo to worry about her work ethic and grades, she whole-heatedly wanted to give it her all and become the best hero she can be.
"...Did you reject him?"

Momo groaned "No.. I didn't. I couldn't bring myself to"

"Going out with someone doesn't mean you have to be around them, keep them entertained, or ignore other priorities all the time..."

Momo looked up now facing Jirou, still unsure whether or not she should proceed to go out with Todoroki.

"Look, give it some time. And if you feel like you can't keep up or if it's too much, make sure to communicate and share with him how you truly feel"

Momo smiled at this, and reached out to hug the petite female.
"...You're truly amazing Jirou, makes me wonder how no one has confessed to you before"

The mention of confessions made Jirou's ears perk up. Making her contemplate whether or not she should tell her best friend about the paper hearts.

"..haha yeah.. "


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I'll make sure to update soon though^-^

Don't forget to comment or give it a ☆ if you want more!


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