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Bakugo scoffed.

Jirou didn't actually think he'd meet her after school. She raised an eyebrow at the taller male, does he ever stop scowling ?

"So you want me to help you find some fucking idiot that is leaving you paper hearts?"

"Um yeah that's what I said... "

He snarled "Bold of you to assume I give a fuck"

For a spilt second Jirou was taken back from his rather assertive response, ofcourse, why did she think this was a good idea in the first place? Jirou let out a sigh, she'll have to think of another person who would be more willing to help her out.

"Alright sorry for bothering you. I'll go ask someone else for help"

As she turned away to leave, she stopped in her tracks and added "Just... Don't tell anyone about this"

Bakugo just stared at her leave. Knowing very well he had screwed up. It is obvious she has an idea as to who she thinks it is, and Bakugo knew that it wasn't who she thought it was. The blond teen felt conflicted and could not come to a single conclusion. He is stuck between apologizing and helping her out or leaving everything as it is. Being indecisive is not something he is used to doing, everything he does is out of mere impulse and confidence that is blown out of proportion. But for some reason at this moment, he felt an irritating sense of guilt weighing over him. Slowly pissing him off more and more as every minute passed by.

He finally gave in, and decided to talk to her one-on-one when he saw her again.


Sorry for the wait and the short chapter (╥_╥)
I'll try and improve my work ethic and procrastination (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Don't forget to comment or give it a ☆ if you want more!


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