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Amy's pov

"How did you sleep?" Mark asked when I walked into the kitchen.

"Eh, it is nice to have my some of my stuff back" I said, sitting on the island again.

"You do know we put food on that right?'

"You have people who clean these, and if not, then oh well." I shrugged. "Coffee?"

"I would love some."

I got off the island and made some coffee.

"So, now what is the plan? We found, well you found one of the two moles." I asked.

"I found the other one." Mark replied smoothly.

"Did he go swimming?"

"No, he went into a pit of snakes. They bit him." He smirked.

"Do you think there is more?"

"Hard to say, for the right price there most likely is. What did you do with all of the money you found?"

"It is in the floor."

"I will get you a real safe to stash that in."

I handed him his coffee.

"Who am I going after next?" I asked as I sat on the island again.

"Patty Johnson."

"You really need to look up the people you work with." I rolled my eyes. "What did she steal?"

"Nothing, she has a picture of you shooting a gun while you are hanging out of my car."

I choke on my coffee. "WHAT?"

"She sent it to me. She said that if we don't want it to be shared then we will meet with her."

"I will handle this. She will be sorry for being an ass."

"I will be there as well, I am not going to let you handle her alone."

"Oh please, I have handled far worse than her blindfolded."

"I know, I saw the tape."

I rolled my eyes in response.

"We have to go tonight." He said.

"Great, how much does she want to keep her stupid ass mouth shut?"

"She didn't say."

"Ugh! I need booze."

"I don't have any."

"Huh?" I looked at him puzzled.

"I am not allowed, it will kill me. I am part Korean."


"Yep, I had it once and I was sent right to the hospital. They thought I was going to die. I felt like I was going to die."

"Who all know this?"

"Not many."

I nodded my head, "If the wrong person finds out, they will force booze in you and watch you die."

"That is why only a few people know."

"Makes since. So, when do we need to go to this bull shit?"

"Soon, it is a drive away."

"What do I have to wear?"

"Normal clothes."

"Let me go change. I am still in clothes from last night."

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