Chapter 1

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSE!!" A voice ranged out, disturbing my sleep.

Why in god's name would it ever be acceptable to wake a person like this? I thought as I glared at my brother and his mate. They were currently standing in my room, I was going to curse all of their future children before I looked up and saw they had a considerably large pizza with a candle in the middle. I'm not really a cake person so this brought a wide smile to my face knowing that Joshie, my big brother, had remembered.

"Thanks guys, but if you wake me up like that ever again, I will not hesitate to curse all of your future children"

Talia spoke up first. "Sorry we're just so excited! I mean like today is the day you could find your mate!" then she took a look at me and her expression turned to pure confusion. "Aren't you excited?"

"Not really. I'm 17 as of today and not really ready to be tied down" Josh looked slightly relieved but also upset. "Hey uh are you gonna let me have that pizza, or just stare at me all day?" they handed me the pizza and left quietly.

But before josh closed the door he had something to say. "Are you gonna do something today?"

"I think the best way to celebrate would be to follow my usual Saturday routine" with a curt nod he closed the door and left me alone with my birthday pizza. My Saturday routine changes for no one, not even me.

Well while I inhale this pizza I might as well explain who I am. My name is Jesse, if you haven't noticed that yet. I come from a family of werewolves. Yes, my parents are alive, but I've been living with my older brother for the last two years because they are assholes. So when weres turn 15 they can shift and when they turn 17 they will be able to find their mate, chosen by fate or some BS like that. That's basically it.

My Saturday usually consists of me waking up at like 8 and stalking tumblr until about noon. Then that's when my hunger overpowers my laziness and I leave my room. After eating I'll probably spend the rest of the day with Talia, until Joshie gets home.

Josh recently accepted the position of Bata of our pack, the title having been passed down from our father. He is pretty busy a lot, so I guess it's good that Talia and I get along so well.

I stayed in my room an extra half hour as a birthday gift to myself. Once I left, I trashed the pizza box and sat down at the little kitchen table with Talia who was still bursting with excitement.

"Come on Jess" her eyes pleading with me. "You can be as cynical as you want any other day. It's your birthday you could find your mate soon"

"Ugh why do people keep going on about this mate biz?"

"Because it's one of the best things ever. Like, just think about it, there's someone out there in the world made just for you," Her face held a wistful look as she talked about this crap.

"Think about it Tal, it's basically an arranged marriage made by the universe. How is that even cool?"

"Why are you so upset about this? It's really kind of inevitable" she asked, her voice dripping in confusion.

"I prefer the physical aspect of relationships. With mates it's supposed to be all or nothing, and dealing with other people's feeling is downright exhausting" I answered crossing my arms over my chest.

"The physical aspect?" she mumbled to herself. "Wait, you're a virgin right?"

"No" I answered with all seriousness.

"What?! You're supposed to save yourself for your mate"

I got up completely done with this conversation. "Oh well" I went to my room and went to sleep not even bothering to wait for Joshie to get home.

"JESSE!" I was once again disturbed from my sleep with yelling, except this time it was not even close to pleasant.

I shot up to be faced with a seething Josh and a broken lock on my door. "What do you want Joshie?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Oh don't Joshie me! Who was it huh, who stole my baby sisters innocence?!" oh goodness she told him. I obviously have to be more careful with how far I divulge into my personal life with her.

"Jesus Joshua no one committed a petty theft upon my innocence" I rolled my eyes with this response to his overreaction.

"petty theft? Come on jess you have to be kidding me" he exasperatedly ran his fingers through his short dark hair.

"nope, I wanted to have sex, so I did" I decided that this was over because I really wanted to go back to sleep. "I'll buy a new knob tomorrow" by then I was once again laying down again trying to let sleep overtake me.

"I want a name by Monday" he demanded pulling the door with a now broken knob closed.

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