#5 Flashbacks

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It was the next day, I wake up feeling the same as yesterday. Scared, confused, agitated, and disgust in myself.

I walk up to the cage bars, realizing that it was unlocked. I walk out,


No answer, I walk to the upper deck. I see Reiner and Bertholdt, it looks like they're just having a chat. I look to my right and see Annie chilling on the stairs, she looks back at me.

Waves her hand, telling me to come over to her. I sit next to her, feeling nervous.

"Not that this is any of my business, but what took you and Zeke so damn long yesterday?"

I looked down, ashamed. Not responding. She took note of this, and became more curious, yet concerned.

"Are you hungry?"

I nod my head no, I'm sick of soup and crackers.

"Is there anywhere on this ship where I can bathe myself?" She nods her head yes.


She took me to the second part of the lower deck, there was a room with a bathtub, toilet and sink.

She hands me towels, a new set of clothing and an extra candle she had brought with her so I can lead myself back when I'm done. She lights the candle, and leaves without saying a word.

She clearly isn't the social type, I hope she warms up to me eventually.

I fill the bath tub with 2 cold buckets of water, mixing it with soap and other shower gels. I undress myself, stepping into the cold water, shivering.

I grab a peach scented hair and body wash, massaging my hair and scalp. I scrub my body with a sponge, images of Zeke touching me popped in my mind. I began to cry once again, in anger, disgust and confusion.

I scrubbed all over my body harder and faster, until my skin turned a scarlet red. God, please help me..


I finish up, step out of the tub and dry myself. I put on a long, black skirt, a (F/C) long sleeve shirt, tucking it in my skirt and dark brown, long boots.

I then turn to the bathroom mirror, I see and hear Zeke kissing and panting against my neck whilst I moan.

I cry out/scream and punch the mirror, I look back at my hand. It's bleeding, shit. I run it through with water, it's only little cuts. I'll be fine.

(Style your hair however you want)

I light the candle and walk back up, thinking of an explanation that I was going to give them about how I got these cuts on my hand. The best I can do is say I fell, or just hide it.

That'll be impossible. Once I'm back in the upper deck I see Reiner waiting for me, great.

"Took you long enough," he glanced at my hand and gave me a look of suspicion.

I looked away and went past him, not wanting to be questioned or judged. I went to the operation room, not knowing where else to go.

I walk in and see Annie, Bertholdt, and Zeke.

Zeke gave me a gentle smile, Bertholdt looked nervous as always, and Annie is emotionless as always.

Reiner comes in after me, grabbing my cut up hand. Ouch. I flinch and pull away, getting irritated at Reiner.

"How did you get those cuts on your hand?"

I look at the others then back at him, screw you Reiner!!

"It was an accident, don't worry about it." I sit in a chair, Reiner grabs the medical kit and tries to patch my hand up.

I slap it away, "Don't touch me."

He looked at me as if he was ready to punch me, he can surely try.

"Here, I'll do it."

Zeke took the first aid kit from Reiner, and walked towards me.

"Zeke, it's not a big deal--"

He grabbed my wrist aggressively, making me gasp. He cleaned my cuts, then wrapped it up perfectly with bandages.

He kisses my bandaged hand, like a princess. It made me feel all fuzzy inside, suddenly I heard a voice in my head saying:

He molested you.. or did you enjoy it? And are a fickle little whore?!

"Reiner and Bertholdt told me that this week would've been Homecoming week at your school, and that you've never been to a party or dance."

Zeke said, snapping me out of my thoughts once again. I nod my head yes, feeling anxious.

He kneeled down, while holding my bandaged hand.

"(Y/N), will you go to the homecoming dance with me?"

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