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Your pov

I sigh as I look at the red light in front of me. I tap the steering wheel to the beat of the song that was playing. The light turns green and I begin driving back to my house, my girlfriend Layla next to me in the car. She had her head in her hand, looking out the window. I turn the music down to get her attention, she keeps her head facing towards the window. I keep my eyes on the road as i speak.
"Lay-Lay, are you ok? You seem upset." I ask her. She turns to look at me, speaking softly.
"I want ice cream." She says. I snicker, getting the hint. I turn to go down to the ice cream parlor, seeing Layla's eyes light up. I smile and park the car, getting my wallet. Layla takes my hand and happily swings her arm back and forth, excited for some ice cream. I open the door for her, as she happily enters, the door making a small jingle from the bell above it. She quickly makes her way to the counter, excited to order. I loved when she was like this, it was always the cutest. She begins ordering and then turns to me.
"What do you want Echo?" I give her a small sideglance, as she knows I hate being called that in public. Even though it was only an old nickname, i still didnt like it in public. I order        f/f(favorite flavor) and pay for it. We are handed our ice cream and sit down outside. We sit and talk, laugh, and joke around for the next 30 minutes, just enjoying the time together. I check my phone and look at the time.
"We gotta go babe, we'll be late to my parents anniversary." I say standing up and stretching. She gets up and does the same, grabbing her handbag and phone. We make our way to the car, passing a few people. One in particular caught my eye, so i look back at them. They were wearing a dark gray hoodie with the hood up, so i couldnt see their hair or face. I continue walking to the car, holding Layla's hand. We reach the car and get inside. I start the car and get ready to drive away, when the person from before catches my eye again. This time, they're facing me. They looked to be a 19 year old male. I could make out dark brown messy hair, and brown eyes that looked through my soul. He also had on a mask, obstructing any view of his mouth. His head jerked to the side, as some sort of tic. I begin to get a feeling in my stomach, something telling me to gtfo of there, so I did. I drive away in a hurry, which didnt go unnoticed.
"Hey hey hey, Y/N, whats wrong?" Layla asks. I stay silent, being a bit confused myself about why i was so nervous. That was just some random kid, right? But, why did he look so familiar? Am i halucinating, that couldnt have been, he's been dead for 10 years!
"Y/N!" I am broght out of my thoughts my Layla shaking my arm. I swerve back into my lane, realizing i was about to go into the opposite one.
"S-sorry! Sorry lay, i guess i was caught up in my own thoughts." I say looking ahead of me. She sighs and relaxes, placing a hand on my leg in a comforting manner. I look at the street we were on. 'Almost home.' I think to myself. A couple blocks later, we come to my street. I pull into one of the parking spaces ear the sidewalk, and turn the car off. We both get out, and walk up to my house. I get my keys out and unlock the door, letting her in. My parents were at the door to greet the both of us.
"Oh Layla, Y/N, welcome home." My mom says hugging the both of us. I laugh lightly, hugging back.
"Hey mom, before we do anything, i need a short nap, i have a bit of a headache." I say, taking my shoes off. She gives me a concerned look.
"Im fine, i just need some tylenol and some sleep. Ill be down in an hour or two ok." I say heading upstairs. Layla decides to stay downstairs with them as i grab the medication and some water. I take 2 and go to lie down. As i close my eyes, i couldnt help but have a gut feeling that something was wrong.


"Stop it! Let me go!"

"What the hell are you!"

"S-stay away!"


I jolt out of bed, hearing a loud scream for help. I knew it wasnt a dream. I quickly jump out of bed to get to the door, and try leaving, but something, or someone was blocking it from the outside.
"SOMEBODY HELP!" I hear my mother scream, before nothing but silence. I hear a loud thud, then someone hyperventilating...Layla. I hear her scream in both terror and pain, right through the door, almost as if someone was hold8ng her there, wanting me to hear her scream in pain and fear.
"Please...please don't kill me...Please stop." I hear her shakily say. I couldnt do anything, i try pounding against the door, ramming my shoulder against it to try to break it down, anything to get to her. "NO! STO-" she was cut off by a gunshot, then...silence again. Tears roll down my face, as i register what i just heard. She was pleading for her life, and they took it from her. I was both scared, in shock, and pissed off at the same time. I hear footsteps coming to my door. Realizing they were comting for me next, i go to grab my knife. I wasnt going down without a fight...I stop in my tacks as i turn arount to a horrifying sight. 2 dark silhouettes stand infront of me, one seemed to be wielding 2 hatchets, the other, looked to have a crowbar. The one with the crowbar moves towards me, i back up, grabbing the nearest thing, a piece of wood, to defend myself with. I am backed up into the door, when it swings open, and i fall onto my back. I look up to see a yellow hooded figure, wearing a black mask with red eyes and a smile on it. I try and get up, but he grabs my arm, forcing me up to a standing position. The teo males were alot easier to see now, the one with the hatchets ad a brown stiped sweater, oragne goggles, and a mask that govered his mouth. The other male with the crowbar was wearing a tan colored jacket, and had a white mast with the eyes and lips filled in black. The male holding me throws me down onto something wet and warm. I look down, wishing i hadn't. I look to see laylas head, or i shoudl say whats left of it. 1/4 of it was missing, her brain and skull showing. Only a shot at point blank with a shotgun could have done that. I hear a shotgun cocking, and look up. The yellow hooded male points it at me, ready to fire...when the white masked one forces the gun down.
"You fucking idiot stop, we need him alive!" He says muffled behind the mask. The brown jacketed male walks over to me, focing me up with a tight grip. I try and struggle against him, elbowing him in the stomach. He doesn't flinch, his grip only tightens. He puts a hand over my throat.
"Stop st-struggling or else this gr-grip on your throat will tighten." He says. It already felt tight as it was, so i stop.
He begins talking to the other males.
"S-so what now?" He asks.
"I know." The white masked male says. He walks over to me, and swings the crowbar right into the side of my skull. I fall to the ground, my vision begining to fade and a faint ringing in my ears surfacing.
"Dude what the fuck!"
"Look he wont struggle that way, now lets go, we need to get him back to the boss soon, or hes gonna be fucking pissed."

'Who's this 'boss' they're talking about, where are they taking me? Am i gonna die?' These were the toughts thst ran thoigh my head, as i felt my body being picked up before passing out.

Well, thats the first chapter, let me know what yall think of it.

Ticci Toby x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now