sharing a room with a killer

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Your pov

"I'll join you." I say. Slenderman goes through some papers and hands me one.
"This is a form you must fill out so i can get your basic information. Oncs you finish, let Jeff know and he'll bring it to me. Until we can get you your own room, you'll be staying with Jeff." Slenderman explains. 'Well shit.' I think to myself. Not only was I stuck in a house full if killers, but I'm gonna be stuck in a room woth one of the most feral ones, great. Slenderman allows me to leave as Jeff leads me back to his room. He enters first, and i try and close the door behind me. I am stopped by a hard thud. I look behind me to see a big ass husky with a red tint to it fur. It was sort of normal looking, which was relieving. I let the dog in amd sit down on the floor, not wanting to be on the same bed as the man im sharing a room with. Ill sleep on this god damn floor if i have to. The dog goes over to a large dog bed, looking at me, then jeff with a confused look on its face.
"He's new. Take it easy on him for now." The dog looks at me, and opens it's mouth, revealing a very human looking pair of teeth. At this point, im not suprised...but terrified. This thing could end me at any moment. I sigh and look down at the paper when i feel something hit the back of my head. I look behind me and see a pen on the floor.
"Thanks." I say as i begin filling out the paper. Name, date of birth, age, sex, blood type? Why blood type, i dont think I even knew that. I was hesitant to say something, so i just skip the question. The rest of the paper was any medicines, allergies, or disabilities I have. I fill out the rest and hand the paper to Jeff. He looks it over.
"Come with me." He says standing up. I do the same amd follow him out of the room. He leads me to a door, the letters BP carved into the wood. He knocks and waits a few seconds. A male with dark gray hair and blue eyes(i forgot what color eyes he has)
"Hey B.P, can you draw some blood from him real quick?" Jeff asks. I could tell i had a look of fear on my face. I didnt mind needles, but this guy had a whole butchers knife in his hand. 
"Sure." The man says, a bit muffled behind the mask he had on. He begins ti walk towards me, and i back up.
"Look man, if you need blood from me, i can do it myself." I say backing up. His head tilts to the side.
"Ok then, do it." He says handing me the knife he had. I take it, and he also hands mr a small vile. I had short sleeves on, so this would be easy. I make a deep cut along my finger, letting the blood drain out and into the vile. It fills and I hold my finger in my mouth, sucking on the blood. I hand the vile to the man, and he puts a cap on it. He hands it to Jeff and we leave. I take my finger out of my mouth to see if the blood stopped, nope. We come to the large door from before, Slendermans office area. Jeff knocks and we are granted permission to enter. We walk in and Jeff hands him the paperwork, and the blood vile.
"His blood still needs to be identified i see." Slenderman says. Jeff nods his head and leaves the room, and i begin to follow. Jeff pushes me back i to the room.
"He needs to speak with you for a few minutes." He says in a cold voice. He shuts the door and leaves me with the tall creature once more. I go to a chair and sit down, waiting for a few minutes as Slenderman looks over the papers. The sound if paper rustling, and pen scratches could be heard, along with the sound of my own breathing. It was silent, an uncomfortable silence. Slenderman stands up, grabbing my attention. I pick my head up and look at him as he walks around the desk, and in front of me, bending down to my level. I admit, I thought i was going to die right then and there, but then i feel something wrap around my waist. It had the texture if a snake, but slimey. I lood down, and follow to where it was coming from, Slenderman's back. He picks me up and puts me in a standing position, and begins to speak.
"We will nees to get you a change of clothes, and you'll need a name, but we can come up with that later. For now, I need you yo do some things for me." He says. "And please, stay standing." He adds.
"Wh-why?" I ask stuttering. He sighs, then gives me an order.
"Walk to the other side of the room for me." I do as told. "Now back to where you were standing." I do that as well. "Your footsteps are heavy, and your breathing is uneven. Ontop of that, you're shaking like a leaf, in a break in situation, you would be easily caught. You'll need stealth training. Now." He opens a drawer, putting out a knife, and tosses it to me. "Now i want you to attack me." He says standing up.
"Wh-what?" I ask.
"You heard me, we are going outside, and i want you to attack me. And also, do t thing about running once we are outside, you wouldnt want to get yourself hurt." He says opening the door. I silently follow. He leads me down some stairs, and out of the door, a couple other people following. They stand on the porch as Slenderman and i go out into the front yard, which was just a clearing in the forest. "Now, attack me." He says. I grip the knife, afraid. "You dont need to worry, you pose no threat to me. Do you really think i would be taken down by a small knife?" He says. I i run at him, and strike, he doesnt move, and blood begins to form around the impact area.  "Hmm, your strikes could use more work, ill have to add combat training to the list as well." He says. "Alright, lets go." He says pucking me up with the snake tail like apendage from his back. He takes the knife from me as well. I admit, I kinda liked being carried, but i didnt know why. He brings me to his office, and sits me down. He then sits down, pauses for a moment, and then looks at the door. I hear. A light scratching noise, and slenderman opens the door. That dog again. Slenderman closes the door behind the dog, and sits down.
"Stand up Y/n." He says. I do so. "Now Smile, i want you to pin him down."
"Wait wha-" i get cut off by the dog, "smile" jumping on me, and pinning me to the floor, snapping his teeth at me. Instinct kicked in, and i grab his snout, and flip him over, pinning the side of him face to the floor, and holding one of his paws to the side of him, my weight on his waist. Slenderman picks me up off of the dog, and sets me down next to the desk.
"Defense training seems to be ok, so you won't need much of that." He says.  "You may leave." He says. I get up and leave. No one was in the hallway, so i just go sit on the steps. It was still nighttime, and i could hear my stomach growl. I hadn't eaten in quite a while. Someone walks up behind me, tapping me on the shoulder. I turn around to see a male with brown hair and green eyes. He had a striped scarf on, covering his mouth.
"You're the newbie, right?" He asks. I nod my head. He sits down next to me on the stairs. "I'm Liu, Jeff's brother." He says introducing himself.
"Y/n." I say. My stomach growls all of a sudden.
"You havnt eaten yet have you?" He asks. I shake my head. He stands up quickly. "Wait here." He says going downstairs. I wait a few minutes before he comes back up to me with a sandwich and a small bag if chips, along with a water bottle. He hands it to me and i begin eating.
"Th-Thanks Liu." I say. After a few minutes i finish, putting the trash in my pocket. Liu and I talk for a while, until Jeff comes to get me. He takes me back to his room, where a matress, pillows, and a blanket are layed out on the floor.
"You can sleep there, goodnight." He says getting into his own bed. I take off my shirt, having a tanktop on underneath it. I set the shirt next to the bed, and get comfortable. I knew damn well i wasnt gonna sleep. I turn away from Jeff, meeting silver ones. The dog, which Slenderman called Smile. I reach my hand up to him slowly. He leans in, allowing me to pet him. He makes little happy grunts like most dogs do when being pet. I sigh a breath of relief, my nerves calming a bit after being able to pet something soft. Smile goes over to his own bed, as i stare off into space. I begin to hear light snoring, and look over at Jeff. He was completely passed out, so i decided to get up. I leave the room and sneak downstairs, opening the fron door, somehow undetected. I shit the door behind me and go to sit on the porch. I remembered Slenderman's words. "Dont even think about trying to run." I sigh breathing in the nightime air. A small meow could be heard somewhere. "Please...please let it be a normal cat." I whisper to myself. I look around to see a cat with very sharp looking teeth grinning at me. "Of course." I mutter. The cat comes up to me.
"You really shouldn't have done that you know. The boss will be pissed that you went outside, especially since you're new." A voice behind me says. I look behind me to see a blonde wearing a gaming tshirt, and some sweatpants.
"Im just out here to clear my head. Ive only been here one day and im stressed." I say.
"Eh you'll get used to it. You should head back in soon. Boss is usually up late. Wouldnt want him seeing you."
He says.
"Why are you warning me instead of just letting whatever happens to me, happen?" I ask genuinly confused.
"Well, you seem like you could be a good friend in the future." He says. "Well, imma go back in, see ya newbie." He says, walking into the wall. He was transparent almost, but still visible enough to look human. I get up, making my way back inside, letting the cat in as well. Going back upstairs,  slowly make my way back into Jeffs room, making sure not to wake anyone up. I succesfully do so, and climb into my bed. I close my eyes, slowly falling asleep. 'I feel like tomorrows gonna be one hell of a day?' I think to myself before complelty falling asleep.

Im hoping to get the next chapter out by next week. The next chapter will involve some of the Creepypastas trying to murder you....have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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