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My next class wasn't for another three hours and I was fully prepared for our study session. Our usual meet up spot was outside the men's dormitory. I wasn't surprised when I saw What's-His-Face accompanying him.

"So, was Mr. Hart acting like his usual self?" Morgan slid his hands into his pockets as we walked towards the the parking lots.

I sighed. "I surprised him by being early and not complaining about Prof. Johnson, so not exactly. How was your date?"

Morgan snickered. "I figured out his name isn't What's-His-Face. Jason Paine meet my best friend, Hermione Belles."

Jason blushed as he looked in the opposite direction as me.

Morgan poked me right under my ribs, resulting in a yelp from me.  "Moine, I think we're going to have a problem . . . "

I raised a brow. "Uh huh. With what exactly?"

He poked Jason. "He's more submissive than me you. That's supposed to be my job, so whatever you did, apologize."

I barked out a laugh. "I'm not apologizing for something I'm not aware I did. You're out of luck, Lil Bro."

He humphed, crossing his arms.

Jason snickered quietly, the poke getting his attention back on our conversation.

"Hey, Lil Paine. Do you have something to say?" I smiled in what I hoped was a comforting way, but probably came out as a grimace. It got him to laugh those so I guess I accomplished my goal . . . Maybe?

"How do you know I'm little?" His words screamed smug in every syllable.

I hummed, fully accepting the challenge of making him unsmug. "Do you think you can prove me wrong? Should we start with depanting, or more casually with your shirt?"

"Uh, um . . . w-what?" His cheeks turn the brightest red yet as he grabbed the hem of his t-shirt to tug it down.

Morgan rolled his eyes at us. "Jason, tip for the future: don't be smug. She'll rip it out of you in a heartbeat as a challenge."

Jason held his head low, attempting to cover his blazing face. "Dually noted," his words barely read my ears with his soft tone.

I slowed my pace, sliding behind them so I could wrap my arm around Morgan's shoulders and ruffle Jason's hair before mimicking my previous actions, squeezing them both in a quick side hug. "So, I need the deets about your date. Care enough to share?"

Morgan elbowed me lightly. "We'll tell you the deets when you go on your own date. Payback for being mean to Daddy 2.0."

I laughed as Jason lifted his head a little making his smile visible.

"How wonderful. First, I'm degraded for my size and now I can't even be your proper Daddy?" Jason shot a glance at us, teasing Morgan in particular when he brushed against his foot with his own.

"Nope," Morgan sassed, popping the P as he strutted ahead to my car.

I took my arm off Jason's shoulders, digging into my satchel retrieve my keys. As I hit the unlock button, my car beeped at us before Morgan claimed shotgun seat. Then I started skipping to the driver's side, getting in and quickly starting it.

Jason slid into the seat behind Morgan.

Morgan swiped my phone to connect it to the radio, seconds later my Spotify playlist blared through the worn speakers if my beat up, but cherished Mustang.

Jason leaned forward, propping his arms on the backs of our seats. "So, where we going?"

"Lunch." Morgan twisted in his seat and booped his nose.

I snickered. "We usually go to Subway since we both have a few hours to ourselves. We eat lunch, do some homework, and just hang out in general."

"Your playlist is depressing." He screwed down there my Liked Songs.

"I never said you had to listen to my playlist. Play whatever songs you want." I pulled out of the parking lot to, heading down the back roads to the back entrance of Oak Star Bank across from Subway.

While I was driving, Jason leaned closer to Morgan, speaking in hushed tones.

Feeling awkward, I leaned more into the driver's side door, sneaking my hand into the center console to grab my phone. With my phone back in my possession, I scrolled to the song "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haa!" by Napoleon XIV. I hummed along with the lyrics, putting my Mustang in park. I waited for the next pause before belting out the lyrics as loud as my voice could go.

They gave each other weird look before turning their weird look on me.

"Right? You know you laughed, I heard you laugh, you laughed. You laughed and laughed and then you left. But now you know I'm utterly mad! And they're coming to take me away, ha-haa!" I pulled the key from the ignition and bounced out of the car with my satchel rattling against my hip.

I skipped into Subway, not spacing a glance at my companions.

The clerk looked up, a cocky smirk gracing his lips. "Hey, Belles. You leave the blonde this time?"

I rolled my eyes at Johnny. "Nah. He just doesn't like my taste in music. And I'll take the usual, while you're at it."

He pause mid eye roll, looking at something behind me.

I turned slowly, seeing only two people behind me. One was a redheaded lady in a strict business suit, scolding whomever was on the other end of the phone in quick, harsh words. The other person was a platinum blonde haired male, his rich violet eyes staring Johnny down with a cocky attitude implying for him to do something about his presence.

A shrill tone knocked me out of my thought as Jason and a blushing Morgan entered.

I glanced back at the blonde, seeing him smirk at me. I frowned, turned back and snapped my fingers under Johnny's ear to get his attention back on our order.

Morgan and I split the bill like we usually do once Jason was done ordering, before proceeding to the back to claim one of the far tables. We took out our Art and Design homework. Apparently we all shared that class and didn't notice Jason's existence.

The two and a half hours when smoothly, except for the times when we were arguing over whether or not we paid attention in any of our classes. Jason was a bit behind so we actually spent all the time working on assignments from three of our four courses.

About halfway through the study session, the violet eyed guy gave a few words to Johnny on his way out.

Johnny glared at his back, but didn't say anything.

At the end of the two and a half hours I drove us back to our sprawling campus. Then we attended Prof. Rebecca's class for the next ninety minutes.

Our next part of the architectural project was assigned and explained. Then we had time to work on it before getting dismissed.

In the middle of class, I texted Morgan to go ahead with Jason, that I had to go ask Prof. Gonzales a question about our project. So after class, I rushed to the Mythology building.

I know making a guy's eye color violet isn't that realistic. Just bear with me, there is a method to my madness that will be revealed in later chapters.
1204 words

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