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Inside the Mythology building, Professor Gonzales and Mr. Hart were nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was the violet-eyed male from Subway leaning against the front desk.
I crept forwards, my curiosity getting the better of me as I skirted around the edges of the room. My footsteps hollowly sounded through the air.
His head snapped up in response, his eyes flashing warily.
I rounded the front row of tables, plopping myself onto it. "Hi."
He blinked at me. "Hi."
"So, do you know where my professors are or are you waiting for them as well?" I slung my satchel over my lap, digging through it as I awaited his response.
"Waiting for Damon, actually . . . uh, Mr. Hart to you, I guess."
I hummed. "Ya, he's rude. I just wanted to ask Professor Gonzales what the format our report is supposed to be presented in."
He snorted. "You're quite blunt."
"And, usually, three minutes late for this class as dear Damon likes to remind me. I'm Hermoine, by the way. Kinda just realized we skipped the whole introduction thing." I finally found my overview paper and a pen from the depths of my bag, laying them to my left as I rested my eyes on his startling violet ones.
He chuckled, shaking his head at me. "Regarding the whole intro thing, I'm Anthony. I'll be sure to scold my younger brother for chewing you out. It's not like he was on time for all of his classes." Anthony winked, flicking his hair out of his eyes.
"For your information, I was late to science in high school. This is college, Ms. Belles should learn to hustle." Mr. Hart's voice boomed throughout the room.
I turned around to face him, letting my childish side free as I blew a raspberry at him.
Anthony let out a bellowing laugh. Professor Gonzales's tinkling laughter was barely heard from behind her colleague.
He groaned. "Brother, come on. I'm sure you both have a reason to be here. Isabel can deal with Ms. Belles."
"Aww, I feel so loved. Do you treat every student like an insistent problem that'll never go away?" I cooed, holding my hands over my heart.
Mr. Hart ignored me, as Anthony jumped off the desk, ruffling his brother's hair as he passed. "Alright, let's go."
Professor Gonzales strolled towards me, the Hart brothers' yells barely muffled by the door.
"What brought you back?" She glanced at the paper beside me.
I picked it and the pen up. "I just wanted to know what format our 7-3 report is to be presented in."
"Oh. Just put it in the same format as 6-3. They're similar assignments, but covering different materials."
I nodded. "Okay. That's all I needed to be clarified. I'll leave you to whatever you had planned. Thanks for the help, Prof."
"Anytime. Come back if you have any other questions."
"I will, thanks again." I put a note of 6-3 next to 7-3 before sliding them back into my satchel. I slid off the table, waving bye to Professor Gonzales on my way out.
The Hart brothers couldn't be heard anymore, and I didn't see them on my way to the parking lots. I entered my Mustang and drove to Morgan and I's apartment.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our apartment was five minutes away from campus and ten minutes away from my internship at Chase Editing and Publishing Incorporation. There were four other people alongside us on the seventh floor. The decor inside was rustic wood and stonework with the Victorian furniture we bought after we moved in, all with darker colors that made our apartment seem dim, even with all the lights on. It was a four-roomed apartment with one bathroom, two bedrooms, and one room for the living room, dining room, and the kitchen.
I dropped my satchel on the bar counter, walking around the three stools to the note left on the fridge.

Jason's friend, Stella, invited him to a party. He said I should be his plus one without giving me much of a choice. We'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Have fun by yourself!
I pulled a sticky note off the counter, writing a note of my own.

I'll be gone by the time you come back. Food will be in the fridge and the Tylenol will be on the counter. I have a meeting tomorrow so don't puke on ANYTHING!!

With tomorrow's plans secured, I pulled out a pack of hot dogs and a box of mac and cheese for supper.
Upon placing the pot of water on the stove to boil, I grabbed my laptop charger from my room to plug into the kitchen. My laptop had the tab pulled up showing the novel I still had yet to finish editing.
That's what my internship was, reading and editing other people's creations. If I deemed it worth publishing, I was to email it to my superiors for further checking.
Three weeks in and I've barely started on the second assignment. The first book was really cliche and didn't spark my interest, hence the reason it took me two and a half weeks to edit 183 pages.
I set my laptop up beside me, grabbed the three folders out of my bag, the textbooks, and my writing utensils. I rummaged more searching for my Literature folder.
It wasn't there.
I groaned, debating on whether it was worth it or not to go search my car. I shifted towards the stove, glancing to see if it was close to boiling yet. Since it wasn't, I dragged myself to the door with my phone and pepper spray in hand.
My red (with a random green door) Mustang was parked on the farthest end of the lot. I sighed, dragging my feet on the asphalt. I shone my phone's flashlight through the passenger window, seeing my fallen Literature folder. I slung the green door open, reaching for the folder, and slamming the door shut again when I was done.
On the other side of the parking lot was a crouched figure, hiding within the shadows of the two apartment buildings.
I felt around in my pocket, reassuring myself that I hadn't dropped the pepper spray. My breathing staggered, my eyes straining to notice details about the crouched figure. I couldn't see much, just an outline and piercing golden eyes.

Sorry for the slow updates. I write the first draft in a notebook so it takes time to even get the motivation to reread and type what I've already wrote. So . . . Ya. That's it. Bye bye until next update.
1066 words

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