the truth untold pt. two

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"You have nothing to be sorry about. Why would you be sorry?"

Taehyung grabbed his hair out of frustration. Maha stepped closer to relax him because she knew this never ended well.

Taehyung slammed his fist on the desk, causing it to rumble.

Maha grabbed his face and stared at him with concern. "Hey, use your words, honey. What's wrong?"

Taehyung gently moved her hands down.

He started to laugh.

Hysterically laugh.

He looked so out of it that it made Maha startled.

"You okay?"

"Ah, I really don't know what to say. You won't understand me anyway."

Maha tilted her head to the side. Confused on why he was speaking Korean. "You okay hun?"

Taehyung scratched his for forehead as he smiled and sighed. "I'm going crazy, I swear to God." He grabbed Maha's hand and pointed at himself. "Listen, okay?"

The girl still stared with confusion.

"I love you so much and I'm sorry for everything I put you threw. I tell myself that I shouldn't have been in your life. I'm sorry for the pain I put you threw and I made you move here. We had a family so you're obligated to stay with me. I wish the circumstances were different. I love you so much, but I know I messed everything up. I distracted you. I got you pregnant. I embarrassed you. I caused you to get death threats. Yet, you're still with me. Would you have stayed if we didn't have a daughter?"

Taehyung looked at the girl as if she understood everything. He didn't expect her to, but he wanted her to feel what he was feeling.


"Answer me, I know you don't understand, but feel what I'm feeling. Do you love me regardless?"

Maha followed his scattery eyes, trying to make sense of everything.

Taehyung stared around her so eagerly for a response. He was waiting for a sign. Anything. He wanted to know how she truly felt.

"Answer me", his voice cracked a bit.

The room fell silent. No one wanted to say another word.

Taehyung's body felt numb of defeat. Instead of getting angry, he took her silence light, comprehending it. He half-smiled and nodded. "Regardless, I still love you—"

"I love you, Taehyung."

The boy stopped what he was saying. At an immediate loss for words.

Maha's hands immediately covered her face as she was filled with shock at what she just said.

She rarely ever said "I loved you", just because she knows how easy it was to lie. Especially when saying you loved someone when you really didn't.

"Haha, I can't believe I just said that."

Maha let go of her face and looked up to see Tae smiling as well.

He started to chuckle which made her cover her face again.


"Eeek! Let me down."

Taehyung picked the girl up like she weighed nothing and spun them both around.

And for a moment, everything was perfect. Not in a cliche way, where everything was finally perfect. Oh no, the couple was fine.

But some people still had unresolved businesses.

But some people still had unresolved businesses

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i can't stand stephanie's ass

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