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Black. That's all she could see. With every breath Azal inhaled, dirt came with it. The air around her felt cool and undisturbed so she imagined she had been out for at least an hour. Azal could hear bits and pieces from what she thought to be a conversation but couldn't quite find the strength to lift her eyes and see who was talking. Finally, her wits came to her and Azal was able to hear the conversation clearly. Suddenly, a male voice explained "...No Hawk, that won't work. I need to get close to them. Why don't you go back to The Boar Hat and get some medicine ready for when we are able to get them there."

"Fine, but you had better not do anything to Elizabeth while I'm gone." A squeaky voice said in what sounded like it was meant to be threatening. Then a series of weird noises faded away. Azal guessed that was the squeaky voiced one, Hawk, running away.

"But why would a wolf even stay near her this long? Wolves are very loyal animals, and it's rare to find one that's been cast out" A female cut in.

"If you look carefully you can see a kind of bracelet type thing around his paw. Link that to how protective he's being and I have the thought that this wolf may be a companion for the girl." The male voice told his friend. Azal stopped paying attention to the conversation. It clicked in her mind that the girl they were speaking of was likely her, and Jale wasn't letting them near her to help. Azal lifted her eyelids, only to shut them immediately when she realized how bright it was compared to before. Trying again, she slowly raised them and blinked a few times. Jale whimpered from outside.

"I'm okay Jale." Azal quietly told the large pup to calm him. She sat up and looked around. She could tell right away she was going to have a hard time getting out of the tree she had climbed under the previous night.

As Azal began to exit from a hole in the roots, she heard the girl shout "Look Sir Meliodas they're awake!" Jale started to growl. Azal made sure her ears were covered by her hood and took a deep breath of dirt-free air. Azal called for Jale before checking herself over for any infections or injuries. 'My only injury is the one from yesterday, and the bleeding looks to have stopped. No sign of infection.' Azal thought.

"Hello?" Azal asked in a musical voice, her slight accent was barely there. "Any idea how long I've been down-" a coughing fit interrupted her speaking. She turned quickly and coughed into her hand until the fit passed, she spit what ended up in her throat and wiped her hand on her shirt before turning back. "Apologies," Azal tried again, clearing her throat,"Do you know how long I've been below the tree?"

"We found you this morning, followed the blood from the trail and noticed your foot from the roots. Eventually it was pulled in and you started to scream." A blonde boy informed Azal. He was short and looked young. Beside him was a timid girl dressed in something that didn't fit her body language in any way. 'So that's Elizabeth' Azal put a face to the high pitch voice from earlier, 'the other must be Meliodas then.'

She then considered the facts. First, only two people, only one of which looked to be trained or experienced in combat, found her. Second, Jale kept them away from her and prevented her secret from being discovered. Lastly, Meliodas smelled oddly familiar. Finally, Azal responded to the boy "Thank you for your concern, but I assure you I am fine." As an afterthought thought, she added "and you have my apologies for Jale, he is merely overprotective of me when I am injured."

"So you are injured then?" The girl asked. Azal glanced at her before telling her she was. "If it wouldn't bother you, we have an extra room you can rest in before setting off. We also have bandages and medicine back at the tavern. You are welcome to spend your recovery there."

Azal looked at the pair and began walking towards them. She silently patted her leg twice for Jale to follow. "I have little money, I can at most afford a single night and a meal." She explained.

"Don't be silly, no pay necessary. " Came from the boy. Azal stopped a few feet away from them, and looked at the trees. She noticed it was about mid morning. She coughed again. Luckily, it wasn't bad like last time but the other humans' faces looked worried. Jale brushed against her and sat down. The leaves under him crunched loudly as a cool breeze came at them.

"Will Jale be allowed inside? I go nowhere without him." Azal asked slowly, as if doubting the pairs' intentions. For all they know, she could be dangerous. She kept her hood over her head and wondered what she looked like to them. In her long cloak with the hood over her head, 'I likely look deranged to them.' She thought.

"Of course." Meliodas said. With how close she was, Azal could tell Elizabeth was frightened by the large animal at her side.

Azal walked closer. When she was a respectable distance from them, she went to take a breath but noticed something strange coming from Meliodas. Pushing it aside she introduced herself. "Well then we accept. You may call me Liar, and my friend is Jale." Jale grinned at the humans when he was gestured to before standing and following them. His footsteps mixed the dirt and leaves behind him.

"How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Elizabeth and this is Sir Meliodas." The newly named girl said. Azal looked closer and saw that Elizabeth had long, silver-white hair and bangs that covered her eye. Her earing also looked to be that of the royal family's.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Elizabeth, and you as well Meliodas.

Azal Liar and the 7 Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now