• Chapter 1 •

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Holding my baby in my arms I sneak some food or anything I can get. I start making my way out of the store and the moment I'm about to leave security starts running after me. They were already too close for me to get away. They grab my arm..

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to drop whatever you just took"


"Now ma'am the police are on their way"
     I drop everything.

"Please don't I just needed food for my baby.."
      I see the bright lights of the sirens. I start to panic a little.

"Okay we'll talk to the cops about that."
     A police car pulls up in the front of the store, and a cop comes out and walks towards me.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

I'm in the car and me and my driver, drive around the area. I decide to hopefully get away with quickly going into a store. For what? Nothing really, just to get out. Especially after working all day long, and most likely going back to the studio later like normal. I'm trying to put myself in studio rehab, I've been in there too much so I'm trying to distract myself. I see a store across from where I am with a parking lot so my driver tries to get us somewhere as hidden as possible. It is pretty dark out being that it is almost 3 in the morning here in Minnesota. Me and my driver start walking to the store, across the parking lot when I see some cop lights in the front. At this moment I was close to just turning around and leaving, but something catches my eye. A woman and a baby, this baby has to be at least 8 months old, still very little. But what catches my eye is that this woman doesn't seem to be in good condition. A cop walks up to her and she starts explaining something, holding here baby closer to her chest. The cop tries to take the baby out of her arms and the woman starts completely freaking out.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Listen ma'am for the baby's safety we need to take her away right now"

"What? No. She's safe I'm just trying to leave please"
     I hold her closer to me but he already wraps his hand around my baby.

"No! Stop don't touch her what is wrong with you?!"

"Ma'am give me the baby"
    He takes her forcefully out of my arms making her cry. Tears start running down my face.

     The cops behind me grab my arms making me start kicking for them to let me go. Then I hear this mans voice come out of nowhere.

"Hey hey hey alright relax"
      I see this very tall man walk to one of the cops and whisper something in his ear. The cop looks behind him, then at him, then at me. Then I hear the sound of heels walking up behind the man. This short man with sunglasses starts talking to the cop. I try to listen to what he's saying.

"How much did she take?.......I'll pay for it......can she get her baby back?......"
     My whole body starts to relax a bit. The cop gets quiet. 

"Hey. Let her go. Give her the baby"
    The cop says to the two other men holding me. The cop that was holding my crying baby gives her back to me. I let out a big sigh of relief. The cop walks up to me

"Hey. Don't let this happen again alright? You are no longer allowed in this area.."
     I just nod at him then they all start getting in their cars to leave. I start calming down my baby. Then the short man walks up to me.

"Listen I paid for everything alright?.."
      I just look down at my feet.

"Thank you..really.."

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