• Chapter 3 •

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     I wake up in my room after sleeping for only about an hour. Everyone at this point knows I'm not one to sleep much so I make my way downstairs for breakfast. I sit, my coffe is placed in from of me as I eat my pancakes. I'm in the middle of eating then out of nowhere a newspaper is slammed on the table next to me. I look and on the front cover, me and Anna. I almost choke on my food making me cough.

"What you gonna tell her boss?"
    Kirk says taking a seat next to me. I grab the paper and look at the cover. In bold letters PRINCE'S NEW MUSE? I sigh rubbing my eyes in frustration.

"I knew this would happen...Jesus they're quick.."
     I whisper to myself.

"....I'm going to have to tell her I mean this is on the morning papers everyone has seen this already and it's probably all over the TV.."

"Oh yeah it is."
     Kirk grabs the remote and turns the TV on. And there I am. With Anna.

"Okay okay turn it off."
     He does and he walks out

"Oop get ready.."
     I look at him confused and see Anna with Audrey in her arms walking towards me.

"Good morning"
      She looks at me, then looks at Kirk.


"Uh. I'm gonna go now."
      Kirk speed walks away. Anna gives him a weird look

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing, pancakes?"

She sits next to me and I quickly grab the newspaper.

"Um...So. We need to talk."
She starts eating and feeding Audrey at the same time.


I just look at her for a second. This can go either surprisingly well, or very badly.

"What? What's wrong.."
I place the newspaper in front of her and she starts choking and coughing on her food. Well. Not very different from my reaction.

"Oh my god!"
     She snatched the paper holding it up to her face.

".......that's me"
     She put the paper down

"Prince that's me!! Oh my god that's ME!"
     She started completely freaking out.

"Oh this is not good. This is not good do you know how many people have seen that?!"
    Then she gets silent. She looks up at me

".........what if he's seen it...oh my god."




"My ex....what-what if he see's it and-and what If he tries to figure out where I am and-"
    She holds Audrey close to her and starts pacing around the room.

"No, Anna you'll both be okay here.."

"But you and me both know I can't stay here forever prince.."

"I-..I know I'm sorry we really shouldn't have gone out yesterday...I knew it would've been too risky.."

"Shit shit shit!"
She places Audrey on the carpeted floor with her toys, and she makes her way back to me.

"....what do we do now?"

"Well...I usually just wait for it to die down a bit...there's not much we can do here unfortunately Anna I'm so sorry I-"

"Prince its not your fault okay, I wanted to go out, you explained to me what happens when you go out and I understood, but still went out anyways...I would be more calm if I didn't have a psycho ex running around out there somewhere..."

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