• Chapter 5 •

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⚠️This chapter includes violence, and abuse. A warning for anyone that find the topic too sensitive⚠️

        I'm in my office taking a few phone calls, I let upcoming artists, even more known artists use my studios if they need them so I'm taking many of these phone calls that I get daily, listening to some new messages, calling back others. Scheduling when they can come. This is my every day thing. I take one last phone call and then relax. I just think....think about Anna. She really, makes me feel a way I haven't felt in a while. I don't have it in me to let her go. She know's how I feel...I know she knows. Because after our last encounter, this whole week I swear she's been teasing me about it. She makes it seem like she's going to make a move on me but then doesn't, just to see my reaction. She loves doing that. We've only known each other for a short amount of time but, it feels like forever. I don't want, to let her go. Speaking of Anna, I hear a knock at my office door, looking up I see Anna leaning on the door.

"Hey, I'm going to go out with Kirk to get some things that Audrey is running low on in a bit okay?"

"Yeah, get anything she needs okay. Anything she wants. And whatever you want"
She walks in and sits on the chair on the other side of my desk.

"How has your day been so far?"

"Well, I'm a busy person, I've been taking many phone calls and answering people I've been....holding off you can say. I have a meeting with an Upcoming artist today that wants to use my studio, after that I'll probably be making some new stuff. Nothing new.."

"Hey, don't stress yourself out okay? Is the album done?"

"The album is done. It's great, funky."

"I'm excited to hear!, then..why do you need to be in the studio so badly?"

"....well Anna. My mind is constantly working, if I hear a sound in my mind it can't stay in, it needs to come out. I'll probably be working on some new stuff."

"Prince don't drain yourself out, you're gonna fry your brain! You sir are going on studio rehab..."

"I am?"

"You are..we are relaxing when I get back Alright?"

"But I-"

"Uh uh uh no 'buts'"
She stand up leaning over the table, her face gets pretty close to mine, my heart races when I smell her perfume.

"When I get back....you and me....are going to relax....okay?"
She looks at my lips then back up at my eyes.

She slowly leans in then jumps back and starts walking out. Here she goes again..

I hear her laughing a little on her way out...she's going to be the death of me.

       • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

I'm in my room strapping Audrey in the baby carrier so she's on my chest. I hear prince downstairs talking to whoever he had a meeting with and I start blushing just hearing his voice. I don't know what happening here between us...but whatever happens, happens I guess. His reactions always have me down in fits of laughter seeing how frustrated he gets. It's mean.....but funny. I make my way downstairs, as I'm about to leave I forgot to tell prince that Audrey also has an appointment today at the doctor. Being that I'm here now I always take the opportunity to go to the doctor for Audrey to make sure she's okay. I quickly walk into his office again and knock quietly because he's talking to this person, he looks up at the door and walks towards me

"Sorry I just forgot to tell you Audrey has an appointment today so we might be a little while.."

"Okay, let me know how everything goes, be careful alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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