♬♩♪♩ Riverdale ♩♪♩♬

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Title: Riverdale
First episode:  January 26th, 2017
Seasons: 4 (67 episodes)
Genre: Drama, mystery

The review is based on the first episode to avoid major spoilers. 

"While navigating the troubled waters of romance, school and family, Archie and his gang become entangled in dark Riverdale mysteries."
- IMDb

Wow, where do I even start explaining Riverdale? One of the weirdest shows I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of weird shows...

Riverdale is, as Jughead explains so dramatically in the intro of the first episode, about a small town and the people who live there. Yes, I know this sounds like a fairytale for children, but trust me, it gets worse than this. 
The story begins with Jason Blossom's sudden and quite mysterious death after, what that looks like, an innocent boat ride with his twin sister Cheryl Blossom. But the question really is, how innocent was this "early morning ride"?
Later on, another mystery rolls into the town- a mystery with the name Veronica Lodge, daughter of a criminal, and who just moved from New York's busy life till this "innocent" place. But underneath the nice smalltown-look, much darker shadows are lurking.
And while Betty Cooper is fighting for her best friend Archie Andrew's attention, there are more secrets in the town than fish in the sea.
But how dark can it really get?

I have to be honest. When I first started watching Riverdale I thought the story was interesting, but kind of overused in plenty of teen drama shows. However, as I kept watching it felt like the writers of the show tried everything to make it become unique. Apparently the show is based on Archie Comics, but there have been made some important changes. Sometimes it feels like they want to keep the show going, so they squeeze in (kind of spoilers ahead) another murder or long-lost-sibling into the already complex conflict (kind of spoilers over). I'm sorry all Riverdale fans, but this isn't my cup of tea. In the beginning, I felt it had a lot of potential, but it might have drowned in one of the writer's many experiments. However, the show is of course not just 4 seasons of waste, there's a reason I managed to watch 3 seasons of it. Because somehow they manage to keep my curiosity about what's happening next awake through every episode. So this is absolutely worth a try. 

Unlike our dear show "the Society", Riverdale actually has some self-control when it comes to characters. Maybe because it's based on the comics, or just because of the already confusing plot. Anyways, here are the main characters:

Archie Andrews

Being a student, football player, musician, and a good son isn't always easy, but Archie Andrews will still give it a try

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Being a student, football player, musician, and a good son isn't always easy, but Archie Andrews will still give it a try. Unlike his childhood friend Betty Cooper, he's not pushed into a perfect life but will still try to be perfect for everyone else. His passion for being there for everyone has gotten me quite frustrated at times, but it's also very admirable. Overall I would say Archie is a well-developed character with both positive and negative sides.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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