Peter is a what?

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-Loki is good
-Avengers live in the Tower
-Bucky is with them
-Civil War and Ragnarok never happened
-Odin is alive
-Tony and Peter are more like best friends
All Avengers except Thor, Loki and Peter were sitting at the table in the penthouse for dinner. Suddenly a yellow lightning hit the tower and the Avengers disappeared. From Queens our friendly-neighbourhood Spider-Man saw that and knew exactly who created this lightning. "Shit I thought she is in prison" Peter mumbled and jumped into an alleyway. There he used his magic to change into his Asgardien battle armour. Then he climbed onto the roof of a big skyscraper. "Heimdall please bring me home" Peter spoke up. The Bifrost opened and seconds later Peter stood next to the old gatekeeper. "Welcome my prince" he spook. "Hello Heimdall. Did you see were she brought them to?" Peter asked. "I will come to the palace as soon as I know we're they are" Heimdall promised. Peter nodded and begann to walk to the palace. Before he went inside he stopped in the garden and told all spiders to search for his friends and to tell him if they found anything interesting. As Peter walk inside he heard his brothers and his father in the throne room so he went there. "Hello Father, Thor, Loki" Peter greeted them. "My son why are you wearing your battle armour?" Odin asked. "Hello brother, it's good to see you" Thor said and hugged him. "We saw him this morning Thor. Hello Peter" Loki mentioned with an eye roll. "We need to save our friends. MJ got free and captured them. Heimdall and my spiders are searching for them, but we need to help them escape" Peter explained. Loki looked at Peter and said amused "You really know how to pick your girlfriends." "We will rescue your friends. When you found them please bring them here to check for any damage which was caused by magic" Odin told his sons. The three brothers nodded and made their way to the weapons chamber to pick up some stronger weapons.

Meanwhile in a cave not that far away from the palace, the Avengers came back to concussion. "Where are we?" Natasha asked confused. Steve and Bucky tried to breake free but the chains didn't move "Who's here Cap?" Tony asked. "Looks like Bucky, you, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Rhodey and me" Steve answered. "Bucky, Cap can you break the cuffs?" Clint questioned while he tried to get out of the cuffs. "You don't need to try. They won't break" Bruce explained. Everybody looked confused at him. "Why are you so sure about it?" Rhodey asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'm dating a god. I know how magic looks like. And I think I know who captured us" Bruce replied. Before anyone could react to his statement, a tall woman with curly brown hair and a yellow dress-like costume approched. "How right you are Banner.I'm here to teach my ex-boyfriend a lesson" she spooke up. "Who are you? We don't know your ex. Sorry if he left you, but we can't help you and if he broke up there must be a reason" Bucky told her. "Oh you know him and you should know and fear me. I'm MJ the dark witch" she told them. "When you're the dark witch then why are you wearing yellow?" Clint asked curios. "You don't understand it. You puny mortal" MJ screamed. "MJ how did you escape?" Bruce interjected. "This dump Chitauri do everything for money" she explained. "They will find us and lock you up again" Bruce threated. "Who are you talking about Bruce?" Natasha asked. "He is talking about Asgards three golden boys, aren't you?" MJ begann "You talk about everybods favorite princes. They can't find you here. I'll send them a message and when I get my god back I'll let you leave" she finished her speach and turned to leave. "They'll find us and will destroy you" Bruce shouted after her. "Bruce, why did she say that there are three princes? I thought Thor and Loki don't have another brother" Tony questioned. Bruce sighed "You know their brother. I won't tell you his secrete because I trust him to tell you himself when he's ready. Belive me they will save us." After that it became quiet and everybody thought about the new information.
At the palace Thor and Peter throw Mjolnir at eachother to practice their throwing skills. "Peter, Thor calm down. She won't hurt them because she knows then she'll never get whatever she wants" Loki tried to tell them. "But what if she hurts them to hurt me? It would be my fault. They won't want me to hang out with them anymore after that" Peter mumbled. Before one of his brothers could response a big black spider crawled on his shoulder. The spider hissed in Peters ear and his eyes grwe wide. "What did he say?" Thor asked. "It looks like she's in the caves in the mountains" Peter explained. "That's right. I can see her there. Your friends aren't hurt but you should hurry" Heimdall said as he walked in. Peter, Thor and Loki nodded and took their weapons. Thor grabbed Mjolnir, Loki took some daggers just in case his magic wasn't enough and Peter took his sword. Then they went into the direction the spiders showed them. "Why did she took our friends in the first place?" Thor wondered. "She wants Peter back. She took our friends so that Peter would cooperate" Loki realised. "I'll make sure that she never escapes again" Peter promised his brothers. After that they walked in silence and arrived at the cave soon. "I'm going in to distract her. You'll save our friends" Peter decided. "You think that you can handle her?" Thor asked. Peter nodded and the three splitted. Peter walked into the cave and saw all of the Avengers chained to the wall and MJ sitting on a rock next to them. "Peter what are you doing here?" Tony asked. "And what are you wearing?" Rhodey questioned. Peter didn't answer them, instead he looked MJ in the eye and spooke "Let them go MJ." "No. Give me what I want and I'll let them go" Mj replied and stood up. "I can't give you something I don't feel anymore" he told her. The Avengers gasped when tehy realised that Peter was MJ ex-boyfriend. Meanwhile Thor and Loki sneeked to the prisonors and Loki took the enchantment from the chains. Thor freeed them and they begann to sneek out again. Before they could reache the exit MJ turned around and spotted them. "You are evil Peter. I thought you love me" she screamed and sent a yellow magic blast at the group of heros. Peter jumped between them and blocked the blast with his sword. "You'll never hurt my friends" he yelled at her. "I'll get you back" MJ screamed and fired another blast at him. The Avengers, Thor and Loki watched as Peter hit MJ with his sword and knocked her out with it. He then took a pair of chains from the floor and tied her hands toghter. "I'll cast a spell and sent her back to prison brother" Loki said. After Loki did his magic he spooke up again "Come on, let us bring our friends to the palace." Peter nodded and walked to the Avengers. "Peter are you okay?" Bruce asked. "I'm fine she's not a strong fighter" he answered. "I think I speak for all of us. Peter what the hell? Why do you have an amour? Why dose Loki call you brother? Why...." "We'll answer your questions in the palace after we checked you for any magical injuris" Thor interrupted him. Peter nodded and told them to follow him. While Peter spooke Thor brought Bruce in a hug and kissed him. Peter and Loki chuckled at that and Thor glared at them. Then they walked back to the palace in silence. Heimdall greeted them "My princes good to see you unhurt." "Thanks Heimdall. Could you please tell father that we'll come to him as soon as they are checked for any wounds" Thor told him. He nodded and walked away. After a quick check up the three brothers lead the Avengersto Odin. "Hello Avengers, it's pleasure to finally meet the friends of my beloved sons" Odin greeted them. "Sorry to ask but sons? More the Thor and Loki?" Tony asked. Odin looked at Peter and nodded. "I'm not Peter Parker" he begann. "Who are you then?" Steve questioned. After another nod from Odin, Peter stepped forward and introduced himself "I'm Prince Peter from Asgard. Third boren child of the Allfather and God of Spiders." The jaws of the Avengers hung lose at that. Clint found his voice first "So  we had three gods on thr team all the time?" he asked. "Yes" Bruce answered. "Nice" Rhodey said. "You're not mad that I didn't tell you sooner?" Peter questioned. "No we're just suprised" Bucky told him. "As long as you don't change, we love you like you are" Tony told Peter. "Told you so, brother" Loki teased. "Oh shut up" came the replie.

The Avengers are now stronger than ever before. After all they are one big family.

So that was my story about Peter Odinson.
Please tell me how you liked it.
See you soon.
-DasSchaf01 🐑

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