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Niall has everything packed & away (Louis on his tail every five minutes about slacking off), which helped in some way. It's been a week total since Niall's moved in. Couch, tv, the lot... Everything Niall's ever needed.

Niall doesn't notice anything wrong with his small flat (with an unnecessary extra room) until a couple days later when he & Louis are seated on his old couch watching the footy, Louis pointed out: "Your walls are disgustingly boring."

Which had Niall glancing around the tv sparing a second or two to glance at the plain walls, before turning back to Louis & shrugging. "Tis' just walls... They're supposed to be boring?" It came out like a question at the end because 'wasn't all walls supposed to boring?'

Walls aren't that interesting & Niall's not bothered by that plain dullness (probably because he knows that in a few months time, splatters of food & beer will be stained along it).

Louis gets out a somewhat 'dramatic' gasp, holding a hand to his chest as Niall chuckles at him, shoving his hand at the older boy's shoulder jokingly. "Tis' not that bad." & Louis just scoffs like he can't believe what he's hearing.

"You're never gonna get laid if you keep thinking like that."

Now it's Niall's turn to scoff, voicing that he can get laid 'without any help' from Louis or anyone at that.

They spend the rest of their afternoon arguing around that topic, & only once Niall is walking Louis to the door does Louis tell Niall: "I'm getting you a painter"

And that's it, Niall has no more say 'even if it is his fucking flat!'


It's been almost two weeks since Louis mentioned his walls, & Niall's almost pretty damn certain Louis has forgotten about it anyway. So when a knock at his door startles him from his lunch (because he's sure he had no one coming over today...) he can't help but feel that small tinge of anxiety pump through his veins as he makes his way over to the door. Niall's even more startled when he opens the door to reveal a man. He's wearing black skinny jeans that hug nicely to his shins (Niall notes mentally) & a lovely red sweater that Niall thinks looks real good on him. But nothing can compare the clothes to the actual thing.

The man's skin is a lovely caramel brown (Niall thinks it'd taste like chocolate if he tasted it), that's littered with a shadow of dark facial hair along the mans jaw where sharp cheek bones to be proud of stood prominent through the light gruff of hair along it. The man's hair was hidden beneath a beanie, only a raven fringe swirling to the side and whatever was too long whirling out around his neck. But if Niall was being honest with himself, the best part about the man was his eyes. They were the colour of soft honey wood surrounded by fluffy eyelashes that sandwiched together when he blinked (Niall also noticed a small mole in the man's left eye, making him seem all the more cute).

The slender man cleared his throat when Niall stared too long (not that he could help it, who wouldn't stare at this piece of man before him?)

"Your Niall, yeah?" Niall gave a nod chuckling nervously wondering what the fuck was wrong with him? 'Zayn' as Niall soon learnt, was a friend of Louis' who happened to know how to paint walls & other artsy stuff Niall has no clue about.

But he's grateful & slightly flustered for Zayn being his wall painter. He had asked Niall what he was looking for in particular & Niall could only scoff, saying 'Louis planned this all himself, didn't even let me have a say.' & Zayn laughed at that his eyes crinkling up, 'yeah, that's Louis.' that's all Zayn can say really, too busy chuckling along with Niall like they've known each other for years to care too much.

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