A Doctor Vist

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I was sitting in the doctor's office, worrying about what he would say. My name is Jimmy. I'm 5 years old but still not potty trained. My parents had me take IQ tests. They showed I'm just a little above average but not a genius. I've seen many other doctors about my problem but no one has figure out what's wrong. I had tests done to my kidneys, bladder, and GI tract and they are all normal. I had an MRI done a few days earlier. It was horrible, I pooped my diaper a few minutes in and had to sit in it for 40 minutes. The doctor finally came in. "The MRI results are in and I found the problem. " The doctor said. "You don't have any nerves going to your bladder or sphincter." "What does that mean?" I asked immediately. "It means your body has no way of telling you when you need to go potty." The doctor said. "Is there anything we can do?" Me and my mom asked simultaneously. "No, I'm afraid you will be in diapers your whole life." I started crying.
My mom said it'll be ok and put her hand down my pants. She felt the diaper that I wet while still waiting for the doctor to come in. "Do you mind if I change him here before we leave?" My mom asked. "Not a problem." The doctor said. The doctor left and my mom started to change me.

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