The Surprise

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Another week of school has started. "Hey Jimmy want to have a sleep over this weekend? " Adam asked.
"Sorry I can't." I replied.
"Why not, don't you like me?"
"Of course I do. It's just that I can't sleep over on the weekends."
"Why not? " Adam said in an whiny voice.
"My dad works a lot and I only get to see him on the weekends."
"You could sleep over on Friday and go back home on Saturday. Or I can sleep over at your house. Come on, please ask your parents, o.k.?"
"I don't know. They really like family time but I'll ask." I lied. There was no way he's spending the night at my house, not when my parents treat me like such a baby. I would love to go to his house but I don't want him to know about my diapers. The next day I told him my parents said no. He was very disappointed and I hated to see him like that, but I needed to keep my secret as long as possible. Friday morning mom was getting a diaper out of a drawer and grabbed my clothes.  She turned around and saw me. "Good morning my baby boy. I got a big surprise for you today." Mom said with a big sinister smile on her face. I can only imagine what it would be. "I'm not going to pick you up from school today, Adam's mom will. You are going to sleep over at his house this weekend!" She said excitedly. My heart sank into my stomach. "No!!! He's going to find out I still wear diapers and won't want to be my friend." I whined.
"It's going to be o.k." Mom said as she started to change my diaper. "Adam's mom said she will take care of you. When you need a change just leave the room and let her know and she'll change you in secret.  Besides if he doesn't want to be your friend because of your diapers, then he wasn't really your friend at all."
"Yes he was and I don't want to lose him." I yelled.
"Well if you don't go to a sleepover with him, you will lose him. His mom said he's been very upset and sad whenever you tell him no."
"I guess that's true. He really does want me to come over." I said. Mom finished dressing me and took me to school. We pulled up to the school.  "Good bye sweetie, see you Monday. Oh before I forget, don't tell Adam, it's gonna be a surprise for him too."
There was enough time before class for me to get a pull up on in the nurse's office. 
"Hi Ms. Parker. How are you doing today?"
"I'm doing well, how about you?" Said Ms. Parker.
"Well..., I'm doing good, I guess. I'm real nervous because tonight I'm going to Adam's house for a sleep over and I'm scared that he will see my diaper and not want to be friends anymore."
"I'm sure everything will go well. If he does find out about you still  wearing diapers and no longer wants to be your friend, then he was never truly your friend."
"That's what my mom said this morning." I said realizing that maybe mom was right. If that's true then I don't want to know if Adam is a real friend or not.
"Your mom sounds really smart." Said Ms. Parker.
"Hey, can I come in and get some pull ups to put in my backpack before I go to Adam's?"
"Of course you can."
I finished putting my pull up on and went to class. During the first recess I went to play on the swings where me and Adam usually go, but Adam went to play with another kid on the seesaw. Maybe Adam is looking for another friend I thought. Someone who wants to have sleepovers with Adam because they're not afraid to because they don't wear diapers. At lunch I ate with Miguel because Adam was eating with the same kid on the seesaw. It was now snack time which means school is almost over. After eating my pudding and milk, I asked Ms. King if I can go to the potty. She said yes. I went to the nurse's office so I can put pull ups in my backpack. The school bell rang to go home. I grabbed my backpack and tried to catch up with Adam.
"Hey Adam, wait up." I said running after him so I know where to meet his mom.
"Hey Jimmy, see you Monday." Adam said in a very disappointed voice.
"Come on slow down. I thought we could wait for our parents together."
"Okay." Adam said, finally slowing down enough for me to catch up. We were standing in the pick up zone talking about wrestling. A blue SUV pulled up and Adam opened the back door.  He was about to close the door when his mom said "Scoot over Adam and let Jimmy in." Adam's face lit up, "what!!!?? Jimmy is coming over? Are you serious? For how long?" I got in the car.
"Jimmy will be staying with us for the whole weekend."
"Wow! This is going to be awesome!" Adam yelled.

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