A Few Years Later On

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A few years later Popibee was 18 and had a hard life when she was little but good thing she didn't get bulled or messed and Yuki is Popibee's Bff/crush but Yuki is the same age as Popibee but then the girls where very close when there around each other but then one day the girls where alone Popibee kissed Yuki on the lips Yuki thought that it felt like an Angel kissing her on the lip in heaven but then when they broke the kiss the looked into each others eyes and then they where trying to fine a way and how they where going to tell the others.

sorry for the short chapters lately my little human's~!

~Jollibee's fnaf fan game Jollibee x Popo~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora