Chapter 2

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So that was how I came to find my ‘death note’ or ‘cinematic record’ and met my ‘shinigami’. What follows is my recollection of meeting Misa for the first time.

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“Well she was…interesting…isn’t that so Light?”

“Hmm? Well I suppose so. I need to be careful talking to her. She may be the Second Kira, and says she loves me, but her unique power could be trouble.”

“Yes, I have no idea where she got that from. Maybe she needs her eyes tested, then she could get some gorgeous specs, like mine.”

“Yeah…look, Grell, I need to have some time to think this through. Go and eat an apple or something.”

“And spoil my lipstick after getting it perfect? No way Light!”

“Uh, huh. Anyway, do you even wear lipstick? Why am I even asking?”

“Don’t put your head in your hands like that Light! I can’t see your pretty eyes, or your gorgeous pout. I could de-stress you with a little…physical time deary.”

“No thank you!”

“Suit yourself. Perhaps you could rather have that woman…Misa! You could see enough of her knickers in that hideous short skirt!”

“She does draw attention to herself too much. Perhaps I should ask her to tone it down? Then again, she could prove a useful distraction Grell.”

“Urgh. Why are the handsome men always after the slutty girls? Leave something to the imagination I say! Right! Give me that record! I am killing that girl!”


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