Chapter 2

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"Only in the darkness, can you see stars"
                   -Martin Luther King Jr.

I couldn't bear it. I was now on the ground. The cold, hard ground, kneeling with my phone to my ear.
"We did as much a-as we could," The woman continued, "But they were bleeding so much from the crash and it was too m-much."
            Rest of it was a blur. The woman said that she was going to pick me up and said her name was Katherin. I remember saying, "It's all my fault."
           Kathrine has tears in her eyes, "Oh, nononono." She embraces me for comfort, but all the she did was cram my ribs. We were now in the hospital, in the waiting room. I refused to see my parents. I wouldn't be able to handle that and even Kathrine knew that.
           "This is none of your fault." She said
           "But if they weren't picking me up, then they would still be alive!"
           She tried to say something, but she was lost for words.

As the days went on, my depression only grew. The idea of the "quick 8 stages of grief" was stupid. The only stage that I was in was sadness or depression.
I ended up staying at Kathrine's house for the time being. No relatives can take care of me since both my mom and dad were only children.
I ended up just sitting on Katherine's couch for rest of the week since she didn't see me well to go to school. All I cared about was living. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Eat. Sleep. Drink. Breath in.

             Oh, did I mention that this was going to be depressing? You probably figured that out from the first chapter.


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