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its been five days and Naruto finished his training or in his mind its been he had been training for 10 years with no rest and no sleep because he didn't need to and now is liking at his sensei who has a proud look his eye on how his student turned out he is exactly the kind of shinobi one would not take lightly this is their final discussion

madara says "look Naruto you know your mission and you have the exact tools needed to accomplish it with that I wish you fair well and before I leave my soul will bond with yours giving you my eyes and the knowledge on how to use them good Naruto ad good luck with that Naruto sheds a single tear and wakes up for the first time in three days in his rundown apartment and seeing how dirty it is he creates shadow clones to go and clean it he himself goes to the bathroom and takes a look at himself

his once malnourished body id now replaced with a body athlete and his hair ha grown out and has black tips with a few strands of black he take a shower and now looks at his clothes he removes them and takes a look as the black ones at the back given to him by the third hokage and looks at a mirror and he looks pretty badass [AN ON TOP ]

he arrive at the academy and a few students take occasional glances at him and whispers where long and lustful from most females but Naruto just ignores all of them that's when a rumbling sound is heard "YEAH TAKE THAT INO-PIG I GET TO SIT NEXT TO SASUKE-KUN " screeches sakura "NO WAY FOREHEAD I WON "that's when they find out someone is sitting next to sasuke "NARUTO GET OF THAT SIT NOW"yells sakura "yeah no" that's when everyone who did hear him is really shocked, ino taking advantage of the situation "umm....Naruto can you give that sit please" Naruto looks at her and stands up ad motions her to sit as he starts moving to the back "well that was unexpected " say kiba who broke the shock of everyone in the room

Before Naruto could sit "umm...Naruto you forgot your book" Naruto goes back and takes it and says thanks before he could leave "whats it on because I couldn't seem to read it let alone understand it "Naruto looks at the book and back at her " fuinjustu " "fuinjustu as in sealing arts ?" "yes " "but that seems every advanced for a fresh genin let alone the deadlast no offence" Naruto looks at the roof for a bit before saying "non taken and to answer your question yes it is but genin is only a rank meaningless in the ninja world .look ino I really don't want to die on my first c rank mission like the majority or some genin because they where not taking being a ninja seriously take you for example you have family of ninja and your from a clan and one of the most important ones in Konoha and your at 4th place on the female rooster of the class you lost to sakura for crying out loud and she comes from a civilian family so taking that into account I say no its not to advanced even for a genin " ino as about to protest but he was right and he didn't embarrass her by yelling to the class he just pulled here aside and said it to her calmly so that no one could hear

Iruka came in not soon after and gave a speech on the and announces the teams


Team 7 will have four members Sakura Haruno , Sasuke Uchiha , Sastuki Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki

timeskip 3 hours

meet me on the roof " says Kakashi hatake everyone was doing their own thing sakura was fawning over sasuke who himself along satsuki were brooding Naruto was readin that's when they go to the roof


after arriving Kakashi says "ok lets get to know each other " "sensei why don't you go first as a to show us how it done " "ok my name is Kakashi hatake I have likes , have hobbies , no dream now you do go pinky " everyone bar Naruto sweartdrops "my name is sakura haruno my likes hobbies and my dreams and my dislike are NARUTO-BAKA AND INO-PIG" "next broodee" "my name is sasuke Uchiha I don't have likes I particularly hate everything and I don't have a dream I have an ambition and that's to kill a curtain someone" "ok little miss sunshine your up " "my name is sastuki Uchiha my likes are a few my dislikes are many and my dream is to help sasuke " " ok blondie " "my name Naruto Uzumaki my like are romen and training my dislikes conflict and war my hobbies are training gardening , cooking , sawing and painting my dream is to bring piece to the world " " noble care to elaborate " Naruto closes his eyes and folds his arms on his chest " simple really kids should enjoy their live I want people to agree to disagree " Kakashi says" ok then meet me tomorrow for the real genin test so don't eat or you'll throw up bye "

tomorrow training ground 7

"YOUR LATE " sakura yells at Kakashi who makes an excuse and walks over to the posts and places a timer and explains the rule and yells go everyone jumps to the forest Naruto walks over to a tree and sleeps on the branches after two hours he wake up to find a buried sasuke a ties uo satsuki and an unconscious sakura dropping to the ground Naruto stands in front of Kakashi and says "well that's disappointing.....well Kakashi sensei lets dance " before he could react Naruto was already in closing the gap between them with speed that shouldn't belong to a genin after reaching him Naruto throws a punch and Kakashi bends to dodge it only to receive a knee to the stomach and as he back flips to avoid any further damage but that proved to be a mistake because Naruto sent a kick to Kakashi's cheek who was thrown a few mitres away and before he could do any thing he hears "water style: great waterfall " water materialises out of thin air and a wave is sent to Kakashi and uses substitution to avoid being hit as he is about to register what was about to happen he feels something against his throat and is shocked to see a clone holding a kunai and even more when another is against his back "you loose Kakashi sensei " "looks like I do Naruto "

after everyone is on the post Kakashi says "looks like Naruto got the bell , so who do you give them to " "I give them to sasuke , sakura satsuki and I will share " avoiding the looks of jealousy from sasuke relief from sakura and curiosity from satsuki "well looks like you all pass so meet me tomorrow for your first mission and remember those who abandon a mission are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum "



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