Valentine's day Special

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(A/N) when I get to 100 reads I will add a new character. Vote here for who that will be. If no one votes I will choose.

Midoriya (part of the plot)
Midoriya's P.O.V
Valentine's day was coming up and I wanted to do something for (Y/N). All day I sat thinking about what i could do. And then it hit me 'I could just ask her.'

At first it seemed like a good idea. But when I went up to ask I got a nervous. "Need something Izuku?" She asked looking at me.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
Izuku walked up looking scared. Even though it was normal for him to be squirm-ish today he looked extra scared.

"Hi, (Y/N)" he paused "Will you go out with me on Valentine's day?" He blurted out before covering his face with both hands. I couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Where are we going?" I asked. He looked at me in surprise. "Does that mean yes?"

"Yes doofus." I laughed.

"Well (Favorite movie) is playing in theaters on valentines day, wanna go see that?"

"Sure." I said suppressing my excitement.
Afterwards Mina came up to me. "Sooooo, what was that about?" She asked.

"Uh- nothing." I said trying to look calm.

"It is written all over your face, HE ASKED YOU OUT DIDN'T HE?!" She asked with her voice full of excitement.

I sighed, giving in. "Yes, yes he did." I said calmly before Mina and I lock hands and jumped up and down. We we're both acting like idiots until bakugo came over and ruined it. "Shut up." He said before looking at me. "Who asked you out?"

I gulped. "Oh nobody, don't worry."

He looked at me suspiciously while I tried to not give anything away. Next he did something I didn't see coming. He grabbed the back of Izuku's shirt. "Tell me or Deku gets it." He started using his quirk and Izuku was trying to escape Bakugos grasp.

I panicked "Deku asked me out!" I yelled. The classroom was silent. Bakugo stopped but his face showed a mix of confusion and anger.

"Kachan can you put me down now please?"


"Why Kachan?"

"Because I'm about to kill you and its easiest if you don't run away." He turned back to Izuku quirk at the ready.

"WAIT!" I yelled but bakugo didnt stop he only slowed his fist. "Please don't kill him I-" I paused before kicking him in the balls.

He dropped to the ground and dropped Izuku. I looked at Izuku. "RUN!" I yelled before tearing out the door and down the hall. Izuku followed closely.

In the end, Bakugo yelled more, Izuku and I went on that date where we got even closer than before and Mina fangirl-ed like crazy.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was Valentine's day and I was walking to school like any other day. I wasn't expecting to get anything today.

I walked into class to see everyone exchanging Valentines. I sat at my seat and notice a small note on my desk. It read "(Y/N), go to the tree outside on the front lawn at lunch"

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