Chapter 2

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Snip told me I was in luck, since it was just the beginning of the day not a lot of people were up yet.

Snip was humming to himself as he walked into the organization, as I was trying to keep my pace with him.

I thought I was crazy for deciding to go with him. I understood that Leon wanted better for me. He wanted me to actually be part of a real organization, but maybe this one was the wrong one?

Snip took a sharp turn, and I stumbled after him.

"Would you slow down a bit?" I asked trying to keep up.

Snip turned again and started walking up a flight of stairs.

I stopped as I watched the professor. I sighed as I followed him up.

We kept silent for a while until I became impatient.

"How many floors are in this building?" I asked trying to catch Snip's vision.

"A hundred thirty six." Snip said unphased, as he placed his arms behind his back.

"And what floor are we going on?" I asked, scared of the answer.

"The hundred and fourth floor."

I turned my head to see that we were on the twenty third floor currently.

I grunted as I forced myself to keep walking up the stairs.

For what seemed like forever we finally made it to the hundred and fourth floor.

I was obviously breathing heavily but I tried not to show it.

There was a small ding that came from our right as we walked through the door.

I turned my head to find an elevator.

"Are you kidding me? You're telling me that this whole time we could have just used the elevator?" I asked, sounding angry.

"Oh, I suppose we could have." Snip said shrugging.

I placed my fingers on the bridge of my nose, and mumbled under my breath.

When I looked back up, Snip was a few yards in front of me.

My eyes widened as I ran to catch up with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Snip shrugged. "Most likely to introduce you." he said continuing to walk.

"To who?" I asked.

"To the rest of the organisation of course." Snip said with a hop in his step.

"Hmm." I mumbled with a nod.

Snip pushed his way through a pair of doors.

My eyes widened as I walked in behind Snip.

It was chaos.

People were screaming, running around, laughing, things were being thrown, and people's abilities were flying all over the room.

Snip giggled a little. He took his hands from behind his back and clapped them together twice.

Everyone stopped. Some quickly sat down, some looked over in our direction, and some stood in a line.

I squinted a little.

"Good morning everyone." Snip said with a smile. "I'm glad that you are all very much awake at this time."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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