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She didn't know much about 7H3-B3F0R3. It was a distant, almost non-existent, memory. Sometimes, when she fell asleep, she could catch glimpses of what could be her past. Of who she was before she became this... mess of a person who could barely hold a string of thought together. But she was able to piece things together about 7H3-B3F0R3 - but then she would be reconditioned again, and she would forget once more.

But what she saw in her dreams didn't make that much of sense to her without the rest of it. It's like having a border of a puzzle finished, but not the middle that shows the context of the scene. She saw this... incredibly large building made of stone. It seemed to be guarded by statues and these devilish looking stone creatures on the roof that spit out water. And inside... it had the most haunting hallways lit with many candles. And the windows... beautiful, colorful windows that told stories by their pictures. And there was wonderful music - mesmerizing voices and deep voices chanting in Latin. There was this closed staircase, too - like a tunnel - that spun around as it went up to the top of the building.

This was where everything went more foggy. There was this...boy. A boy who lived at the top of the building. He was all alone - and talked to stone statues and talked to the giant bells as he cleaned them. She couldn't put a finger to the name of the boy, but all she knew was that he had a hunched back and seemed to be slightly deaf. And then this image of a man in gold armor would float to her shaky memory - like a knight of shining armor that would and save her...but just as soon as she would remember the young man, she would slip and she would be sent to be reconditioned once more, and she would forget and would have to start over in remembering.

It was a never ending cycle of frustration - and it drove her nearly to insanity. The only reason she kept her cool was the knowledge if she crossed that line, she would be decommissioned and become no more. In other words: D34D.

And she couldn't let that happen.

So she bore through endless hours spent in her cell. Singing seemed to help occupy her and keep her relatively sane. Sometimes, a fellow inmate will recognize her song and hum or sing along, and it was a small comfort to her. But the bad definitely outweighed the good. She was sent often to the scientists and doctors. She was told that from 7H3-B3F0R3, she was a dancer - a gypsy, as they called it. So they wanted to try to put her in the 3NT3RTA1N3R program to become the face of the 'cause' of the Wizard of Oz.

She would be a face of propaganda - advocating for the dark purpose of the Rabbit Hole.

If she were to be honest, she didn't mind the performing and dancing for the propaganda videos. Dancing helped her forget where she was, just like singing does. So out of the entire day, besides sleeping, she looked forward to the dancing the most.

Sometimes she was sent to check up on the other prisoners - it was nice to talk to another person that wasn't faculty. There were the twins, TW1-D and TW1-DM, and W3ND9. They were nice. And then there was AA1i5. AA1i5 was there the longest of anyone, and it really began to show in her behavior. 

So she worked hard to help her fellow prisoners to be as comfortable as possible, and to help them remember in hopes... in hopes that someday, somehow... that someone would be bold enough to help her start a resistance.

She only had hope.

But hope is the fuel of the fire that flares a rebellion.

So she waited.

And hoped.

Because what else is there to do?


**Authors Note: Leet speak is where you replace letters with numbers that look similar to them (ex. E=3, A=4, T=7, Y=9, etc). I will use leet speak often, so to better understand the serial numbers or chapter titles, it would be best to familiarize yourself with leet speak**

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