1 - Well Gang, It Looks Like We've Got Another Mystery On Our Hands!

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Saracen Rue, Dexter Vex, Tanith Low, and Fletcher Renn all stood in a line facing the set of double doors. They had received a mysterious summons from Skulduggery and China. The room they were in was empty save for the table in front of them. On the table of a gleaming wooden chest.

Eventually, the Skeleton Detective and Supreme Grand Mage walked in, followed by Valkyrie Cain.

"Welcome all of you," China smiled at them. "We are all here for two reasons. The first is to plan a formal memorial for Ghastly Bespoke and Anton Shudder. You've also been left things, as stated in each of their wills."

"Even me?" Fletcher asked. Tanith, who was standing next to him, elbowed him in the ribs to keep him quiet.

"And the second is to present you each with these," Skulduggery finished. China waved her hand over the lock of the chest and everyone heard the faint click. She opened it and turned it around so that the group could see the cards inside. Each one had their names, faces, and a strange symbol on it.

Skulduggery cleared his non-existent throat before announcing in a formal fashion, "I present each of you with an ID card that signifies your position in the Arbiters Corps. I understand there can be no Dead Men without Ghastly or Shudder. But the world needs people like us. People who attempt the impossible, the suicidal, the utterly insane, and still make it home in time for tea."

"You all have exceptional qualities, powers, and hearts that make you unique," China continued. "Know that we understand you all have your own lives and jobs to deal with. But the offer will always stan-"

"I'm in," Vex and Saracen said in unison.

"So am I," Fletcher said. "I always have time to take you guys places and still run my classes."

"Tanith?" Valkyrie asked when her friend didn't answer.

"I don't know, Val," Tanith replied. "I need to think about after what happened with Ghastly..."

She trailed off. Before anyone could say something, the doors burst open. Sergeant Yonder stormed in, flanked by two Cleavers, "Arrest Miss Tanith Low and Mr Fletcher Renn!"

"I do not approve of your actions," China told Yonder. "But, generous as I am, I won't imprison you if you walk out right now."

"Apologies, Supreme Mage," Yonder bowed. "But I have evidence against them both."

"A lot of people do in Tanith's case. But Fletcher is too clueless to commit a crime," Skulduggery interjected. "And I'm afraid you have no authority. They have both just joined the Arbiters Corps." He gave a meaningful nod in Tanith and Fletcher's direction.

"Really?" Yonder asked. "Because one of my operatives just saw Miss Low talking to a number of known criminals, including Spring-Heeled Jack."

"But...Jack's dead," Tanith said puzzled.

"So you say," Yonder sneered. "But since you are here, then Fletcher Renn must be helping you. Explains how you arrived here so quickly."

"Fletcher?" China asked. "Since when can you teleport through time?"

"Huh?" Yonder asked.

"They've both been here for over half an hour," Saracen told him. "With me and Vex."

"But..." Yonder spluttered. "My operative is still watching them right now!"

"Watching Tanith?" Valkyrie asked. "Then how can she be here and there at the same time?"

"Did you actually see Miss Low's face?" China asked.

"N..no," Yonder replied, going quite pale. "She was wearing her bike uniform and a helmet. But we found her bike nearby! It's definitely hers!"

"Well gang," Skulduggery said, straightening his tie. "It looks like we've got another mystery on our hands!"

Valkyrie just covered her face. "Please don't tell me you just quoted Scooby-Doo?" came her muffled voice.

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