4 - Some Explaining To Do

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The picture is the parallel version of Caelan.

"Explain it to me again," Valkyrie and Locust sad at the same time. Ghastly and Skulduggery just looked at each other and sighed. "Now you know how I feel," Skulduggery muttered.

Ghastly looked at Valkyrie. "In our reality, the mortals noticed our war against Mevolent. Ever since then, we have lived alongside them. There are always disagreements, but that's just life.
Some Remnants aren't a problem, some even help us get information out of people.  Vampires have their own towns, just with a huge force field around it that activates at night.
Every country as two governments, mortal and the Sanctuaries. Sorcerers deal with magical problems while mortals deal with their own, a good system that's worked so far."

"Ghastly dies in our reality," Skulduggery explained to Locust. "But he lives in yours. Tanith is alive and well in our reality but she dies in yours."

"What about me?" Valkyrie asked.

"You're too busy," Caelan said, leaning against the wall of the room. As always, he didn't mingle with people. "Work and family. Lead Detective and head of the Magical Irish Forces."

"Caelan here is your brother," Ghastly explained. "Vampires are considered attack dogs by a lot of people. Not all of them being nice. It was during one of those take-down operations that Caelan was turned."

"What exactly do you do?" Skulduggery asked Locust.

"The Dead Men aren't needed if there's no war," Locust said. "So they run the Arbiters. I'm part of them, in charge of my own little crew."

"One of our top teams," Ghastly commented. "Locust's team is like Dead Men 2.0. Detectives and criminal-hunting vagabonds known the world over."

"You must be proud," Tanith said softly.

"You used to be part of the team," Ghastly replied, just as softly. "Taught our boy everything he knows about wall-walking and sword fighting."

"Enough of that," Locust said quickly, standing up. "Want to meet the crew?"

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