chapter 1

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It's been 10 years since we went to monster island. But now me and shoto must departure shoto now weres a mask to hide her face me I trained and now I'm pretty buff.. I slo figured out how to turn my features into everyday items my carapace became a leather jacket and my tail a belt... goji just wanted me to look like him.... hes to nice... anyways me, shoto, and my crush biollante are heading back to japan to enter UA high... I already told my mom my sister, and 2 brothers of what happened... they were surprised to hear from me and shoto... who would have known but this island has good cellphone service... anyways I also found out how to turn into my monster form. And I was in that form with biollante and shoto on my back swimming to shore... I turned back so I we didnt look suspicious and we pretended we were swimming together... then we got out and walked to UA high... it was silent all the way there.... I put on my mask and we entered the building. We saw a banana haired man walk up he gave a speech and we took a test... the test was easy. When we got determined battle stations we were all together surprisingly. So we took a bus it was a huge city... I grinned under my mask... suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and say a man an inch smaller then me with blue hair and glasses....

(Y): Can I help you?

Iida: yes my name is Tenya Iida i just want to ask you take of the mask and same goes for the other girl... its kinda scaring some people...

(Y): sorry man but I cant the masks special to me and her... it was carved from our tribe... we dont feel comfortable taking them off... we come from an island actually...

Everyone turns to us... almost like its story time hell even the teacher didnt start... I just sighed.

(Y): me and my big mouth... we come from a place called monster island were here to explore the world and try and be heros.... the island is guarded by monsters know as Kaiju... godzilla, mothra, rodan, King Caesar, gigan...  they protect us and in turn we worship them....

I partly lie... I dont want them to know mine and biollante's secret I also dont want shoto to get her cover blown... though everyone looked shocked for some reason I was confused and shrugged.

(Y): can we just get the over with... then the door opens me, shoto and biollante rush out destroying robots I used my tail like a whip... biollante used vines... and shoto used her ice... we agreed that for the time being she wouldn't use her fire so we dont get caught only in case of emergency... and she died her hair all white... it looks good on her... eventually there was a giant crash sound... me and shoto were together... I see a green haired girl one punch a robot. I chuckled a girl fought her from falling and time was up... me, shoto, and biollante left and told them the address of goons old house he gave it to us for the time being. So we left went to the house and went to sleep...


Son Of Anguirus (Anguirus male reader x Bnha)Where stories live. Discover now