...Over yonder

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Sora began to come to after hearing voices talk in front of him.

“Okay, so you planted an "ultimate weapon of power," and then you told everyone in the galaxy about it, and you didn't expect every villain in the galaxy to come and claim it?” He heard a voice say. Sora jolted awake. He briefly startled the daring duo.

“Sora, you're awake! Now you can help me with my plan to get Hater and Dominator to fall in love.

“What?! Sora and Sylvia exclaimed.

“It turns out Lord Dominator is actually...A LADY!” Wander explained. “So I thought setting up those two together would teach them that they don't need evil, they need love!”

“Wander, you gotta start filling me in on these plans of yours.” Sylvia said.

“Hey, wait a minute! Where's Donald and Goofy?” Sora asked looking around the group's hiding spot. They were nowhere to be found.

“Don't worry, me and Wander set them down on one of the safest places we know. Wander insisted we bring you with us though.” Sylvia said

“I'm guessing you need me for this plan of yours, Wander?” Sora asked with a knowing smirk.

“Yep, me and you are gonna make sure hater gets to that ring first.” Wander told him.

“Wander, aren't you worried that if Hater and Dominator fall in love they'll become twice as evil and take over the entire galaxy?” Sylvia asked

“Nah!” Wander said.

From behind their hiding spot, the group saw Hater and Peepers blasting enemies around them.

“Keep at it, sir! This is our chance! If we get to that ring of invincibility, then we can trounce these chumps and finally reclaim the title of…” Peepers said.

“Greatest in the galaxy!” Hater and Peepers both said together before another villain managed to knock Hater out momentarily.

“Man, Lord Hater just isn't the luckiest guy, huh?” Sora said.

Sylvia snickered.

“I don't think he ever will be. Never has. Never will.” Sylvia said.

“Oh, no! We gotta get Hater to the top! Dominator's not even here yet!” Wander said, worried his plan would fail.

“Good! I don't think I can protect you out there, Wander.” Sylvia told him.

“Yeah, I mean, my keyblade didn't even make a dent against Dominator. Who's to say it won't be like that against these other guys?” Sora said.

“Well, your blocks still work. That'll be enough. Come on, Sora.” Wander said as he headed out onto the minefield. Sora reluctantly followed.

Wander spotted Hater being beaten up by Emperor Awesome, a anthropomorphic shark who had copied Hater's style of henchman. Instead of eyeballs, he had hands. Currently, he was punching Lord Hater with one of these hands. Suddenly, Wander shouted at Hater.

“Hey, Hatey!” He yelled.

Emperor Awesome and Lord Hater stopped fighting to look at Wander and Sora.

“We're gonna go get that ring of invincibility and use it to make everybody in the galaxy best fwiends! Betcha can't catch us!” Wander said.

“Yeah, Hater. I mean, you barely escaped Dominator with your life. You have no chance of catching us!” Sora taunted.

Hater becomes so fueled with rage he knocks everyone attacking him back and gives chase to Wander and Sora. Soon, Wander, Sora and Hater had almost reached the platform holding the ring.

Emma and Jack: Lost To DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now