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Keeping his hand extremely steady, Damian reached out to the woman's blazer, with a tracking device in his grip. The dot on it beeped in a regular pattern, whilst his fingers brushed against the rough fabric of her clothing.

"Well, well, well! If it isn't the Wayne brat along with some perfect hostages! Are you all ready to face your worst fears? Because I have a serum that will prove the answer!" an all-too-familiar voice boomed.

Damian's back snapped into posture. He clenched his fists in restrained anger.

The female in front of him faced the entrance of the café, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Scarecrow. The villain had a loose woolen sack wrapped around his head, that was tied at the lower part of his neck. Where his mouth was, a hole for it was stitched in, resembling a sharp-toothed maw.

Scarecrow moved forward in a fluid movement, with masked men flanking his sides. They stormed up to the people around, pointing their guns to forcefully coax them into one corner of the room. It was the furthest from the exit.

Unknown to anyone but Damian, Marinette ducked beneath a nearby table. The vacated chairs surrounding it provided a good enough cover for her petite form.

Snatching a glance at her purse, she nodded to the three kwami poking their heads from it, soon after feeling a slight tingle on her foot as Daizzi zipped into her designated anklet. Tikki floated in front of her holder's head, her bright blue eyes full of concern and worry.

"Don't worry, Tikki," she eased, keeping her voice hush. "We'll use the Fox miraculous to get out of here safely, okay?"

Though the kwami seemed skeptical, she sighed, calling out, "Longg?"

A muted flash of pink later and a dragon-like creature appeared. "I shall get the necklace, Guardian," he declared, voice stony and determined. "Trixx will be of great help in this situation."

Humming, Marinette reached for a slice of packaged cheddar in one of her pockets, as she spotted Longg zoom away as a harmless lightning bolt in the corner of her vision. Holding the food out, she watched as Mullo began to nibble on the surface humbly, with her rounded ears flapping up in delight at the taste.

"You ready, Mullo?"


A cold object was pushed against Damian's temple harshly, with the trigger of it being teased by one of Scarecrow's goons. Muscled arms pushed him near to where the hostages were, holding him in place as he scrutinized his surroundings with a narrowed gaze.

The entrance of the café was straight ahead, though was currently guarded by several armed men. They strolled from side-to-side constantly, observing the outside in a practised manner. All of a sudden, a streak of yellow zoomed past their heads, passing by unknowingly for everyone - excluding Damian.

"If Bruce Wayne does not come here in the next five minutes, I promise that his son will become my newest test subject!" Scarecrow bellowed, pulling out a syringe from his pocket. It was filled with a frothy substance, that was an unnatural shade of lime.

Tapping the item, he sloshed the liquid within. "You see, this serum here is one of my own creation that I have been working on for the past month."

Sauntering to Damian, he roughly pulled him by the elbow to his chest, holding the syringe threateningly to his throat. "And I can guarantee that injecting him will not end well!"

Grumbling inaudibly, the younger man could not help but focus his attention on a table in another corner of the building, that had chairs settled around it. He could see a smudge of dark navy shift from behind the stools, however as he blinked, the person seemingly disappeared.

From behind his back, Damian could hear the rambling of Scarecrow, consisting of shouts and threats of violence right next to his ear. The sewed sack that the villain adorned slightly muffled his words.

There was a slight buzz in his pocket, alerting him of a new message to his phone. The fact that he had been texted during his current situation made it easy for him to deduce who the sender was.

Took them long enough.

Not even fazed, Damian stayed in the same position as a mist swallowed the sides of the room, beginning to shadow everyone's vision in a solid white. The men around quickly ran about, following their leader's orders to figure out the source of the smoke.

The Wayne felt a grin take over his expression. He pushed away the limb restraining him and landed a strong kick to Scarecrow's chest, that sent him back onto the ground heavily. Just as he attempted to get up, a blow to his head forced him to fall unconscious, right at the feet of Damian.

The phone in his pocket vibrated again, prompting him to take it out and switch the screen on. A notification showed on it.

Dick: We're on our way now. We had to get past Jay's anger and convince him to come before we could ourselves.

Furrowing his brows, Damian glanced up from his device, watching as the white around began to fade away. It allowed him to see that the furniture around was upturned and pushed about...

...and that at the other end of the room, a woman was fighting. Dodging and weaving the punches aimed at her figure. Grey flashed from her suit. The tail usually at her waist was in her gloved hands.

She wrapped it around the legs of her attackers, spinning around to cause them to tumble onto the floor. The skipping rope whipped many in their heads, knocking them out cold as fast as a punch would.

Soon enough, the assault on the Scarecrow's men ended as they had worn themselves out thin, leaving them at the hands of Multimouse. She settled the rope resembling a tail back around her body again - completing the infamous theme she had.

Before Damian could stop himself, he blurted out in confusion, "What happened with your costume?"

Letting out a squeak of surprise, Marinette made eye contact with him. At the lost look she gave, he elaborated, "Why is it orange?"

"O-Oh, that! You see-"

She cut herself off, jaw slack as she stared behind him.

Following her line of sight, he suddenly realised why she had stopped talking.

At the door to the café, a few vigilantes were positioned, taking in the defeated enemies around. Batman, Red Robin, Nightwing and Red Hood.

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