Me and my depression💔😭

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This is for people that has depression like me. So if you do then message me and we can talk about it. But right lets get with it.


*By day she has a fake smile. A fake smile that covers how she really feels and her real thoughts. The feelings that make her want to cry. Feelings that make her feel worthless. Feelings that make her wanna end her life. Thoughts that she keeps to her self. Thoughts that make her think deep about life. Thoughts that had her wanting to cry. Thoughts and feelings at the same time that mad her go running to the the bathroom and cry. As soon as the sun has set her depression will come out and take over. She would listen to XXXTENTACTION in her room blasting. While that was playing  this she would cry her eyes out.😭💔😢 And slowly giving in on depression.

              Created by: me (Izzabella💔💔💔)

* You say I can trust how though when you have hurt me so many times? You say you changed but where in your looks? I don't take people in if they change how they look. I only take you back in if you start treating me right. People are stilling telling me you haven't changed yet, you will never change the only way you will change is if you felt the pain that you put people through. And yet your still that same person that broke my hurt at least 100x. You are still the same person that I let into my heart so many times and still did your same old tricks over and over. Its funny cause the first night that we met something told me and I kept on getting weird vibes about you not letting you into my heart or life but I ignored it. Coincidence? No not at all. IT WAS A SIGN DUMBASS!!The thing is that people warned me about you. But like the person that I am I still took you. Cause I thought the saying people change was true about you. But it wasn't. Yet those were my family and friends that told me not to trust you. So now you can hop off my dick! Cause ill choose them over any time and any day. And get the fuck away from me and everyone I love. Or you will get hurt very bad!!

                    Created by: me (Izzabella💔💔💔)

* You know my name. You know my race. But do you know my problems? Do you know what my step mom did to as a child? Do you understand why I'm so over protective over people I love and care about? Do you know why I ask the questions I ask? Do you know how I got the scars that I got? Did you even know that I have scars? If not then here's a fun fact there inside and out. Do you know why or how I got them? Have  you ever took the time to ask me if I'm ok or something? No. Cause your to selfish to know about that. So now after this do you really know me and my and my story?

                    Created by: me (Izzabella💔💔💔) 

*Depression is not something that is a one day thing. Depression is all the time. It takes over your whole body. Every single day. Every single year. Every single minute. Every single hour and second. Even through the happiest days of your life that you want to happy about but depression wont let you. Something that you eventually give up of trying not to admit of doing it. Something you have to keep to yourself so people wont look at you different. People say its a stage you are going through. No depression is not a stage that people are going through. Depression is for life. How do I know that cause I've had since kindergarten. So all you people that told me that it is a stage then how come I still have depression.  And how come I had at such a young age. So this means that you are lying to me. Why would you lie to me? Am I that worthless to you? And cause of your lies I have cuts on me.

                   Created by: me (Izzabella💔💔💔)

*When I see toxic slime come from my heart. It reminds me of you. When it reminds me of you I feel hurt. When I feel hurt I start to cry. When I start to cry people ask me what's wrong. When people keep on asking me what's wrong they start to bother me. When they start to bother I start to ignore them. When I start to ignore them people start to worry. When people start to worry I lock my self in my room. When I lock my self in my room I start to have XXXTENTACTION playing at 100.When I start to have XXXTENTACTION playing I want to be left alone. When I want to be left alone people start worry even more. When people start to worry even more I start to cry even more. When I start to cry more I starve my self. When I starve my self people start rumors. When people start rumors I get more depression. See all this cause you decided to hurt me and bring me down.

                    Created by: me (Izzabella💔💔💔)

My heart tells me yes.

But my mind tells me different.

Yet I still come crawling back to you.

Its like you are my weakness

                Created by: me (Izzabella💔💔💔)

*@kaliyaloveanime this is for you. And what I think of you. Friends say that they are gonna be with you when you need them. Even if they dont understand it. That they will try to. But yet so far I only seen 3 people that did this for me. One of them is kaliyaloveanime shes been there for me since day one. Which is the day that we met (in 5th grade.) And I have been there for her. I love you so much little sister💖😘🥰. She might not have depression or she might do. But she ALWAYS understand where I am coming from with this. If she never had walked into my life like she did I dont know what or where I would be without her. And my life would be a complete mess. I think people should have a friend like that. This might sound corny and shit but its ture. So atleast you have somebody that can relate to you or just sit down with you and hear you out. I LOVE YOU KALIYA/ LITTLE SIS!!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME!!!!! 

                    Created by: me (Izzabella💔💔💔)           

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