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To Mark,

I asked you what your name was and you told me it was Mark! Well I mean your exact words were, "my name's Mark, but you can Mark me in your heart." And then you winked! I was a little shocked at the sudden pick up line so that's why I didn't answer at first.

But the way you giggled and tried to hide under the desk when I didn't answer was kinda... cute. And when I tried to reassure you that the pick up line was good you perked up your head and gave me a cute little smile.

I told you my name (which in case you forgot is Charlotte) and you asked me if you could call me Charlie, which of course I didn't mind so I said yes.

You invited me over to your house to work on the project but my sister came to visit from college so I wanted to spend time with her. 

Maybe next time.

mark me in your heart | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now