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To Mark, 

This is your last week in Canada. Phoebe and I have hung out with you every day and the closer the day comes for you to leave the more I want you to stay.

This week has been filled with so many happy memories, and so many tears, and it's just been crazy. 

The week is almost up. Tomorrow will be your last day in Canada and then in the morning you'll be on your way to Korea. As I'm writing this I'm hugging Mark Jr and remembering all of the amazing times we've had together over the course of this semester.

To think that it all started because we were partners on a project and it's gonna end with you on an airplane, towards your dreams.

You asked me if we could hang out tomorrow just me and you. Of course I wouldn't turn you down and said yes. I wonder what we'll do.

Will it be like that weekend back months ago? Where I got Mark Jr?

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