Years go by~(chapter 2)

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Jimin's POV

"Well the Principal has also tried to stop them from beating me up...but they always come back"


"Sweetie, your going to be here for a while, ok? so get try to comfortable"
said my mom with red  eyes from crying so much.

"Your Dad is going to come and take care of you, while I'm at work, is that okay?" Yes Mom,...but doesn't Dad have to work to?"

" No he said he is taking a day off to spend time with you,he doesn't want you to be alone"
"I'm always alone"

I whispered underneath my breath"what was that honey?"

"oh nothing, it's okay Mom you can go to work now,I love you "

" I love you to sweetie, bye bye"." Yeah...bye"

I laid there on the bed not feeling so great."Aish,this is so boring"I thought to my self.I should call Dahyun
(TWICE Dahyun is a nurse from the hospital aka  his friend). I rang the little bell by the bed, it awers nurse's that a patient needs help,every bell has a different sound for each patient.Mine is a song called Inner Child, it comforts me lot. I don't know why though,
I was brought out of my thoughts when Dahyun came into my room with a worry face.

"What's wrong Chim?!, was.She sat down next to me on the bed,"Oh nothing I'm just bored".
"I literally ran here because I thought you fell off the bed or something!!!!!"  She yelled breaking my eardrums.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to scream you know,I'm right next to you"."Do yo want me to put Netflix on?"

"Yes please, can we play UNO too?"

"Sure,why not".
"UNO!!!"She yelled,"Hah!,I win...again!" "Three times in a row!!"
"Only because your lucky"  "The luckiest of the luckiest!!
"I'm lucky to have you as my best friend Dahyun". ",Ah shucks,me too Oppa...sooo" "So, what?..."What's my prize.",she said bluntly.
"Excuse me,I'm in a hospital bed"."Hmp!then don't talk to me or ask for my help".Okay,fine I'll get you something.

" Hahaha!!I'm just kidding you actually think I would ask you to do that!OH MY GAWD!"Haha very funny.
. (Silence)

"Hey Dahyun, Yeah?."Thank you for always being there for me"

I'm always going to be here for you Oppa,and I'll always take care of you no matter what situation or time I'll be there to catch you when you fall,ALWAYS.
"Thank you"I said while crying in her arms,she was truly the Best Friend anyone could ask for.
" Your welcome,Oppa"now stop crying and give me a smile,okay."okay I'll Cheer up.
"Hey you know that song that says CHEER UP BABY CHEER UP BABY! "Hahahahahahahaha!!!

"That's the Oppa I know and love". "Dahyun you are the best of Best Friends"."Your Welcome buddy,your welcome".

Second chapter same week,I'm so proud of myself 🥰

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Second chapter same week,I'm so proud of myself 🥰

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