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deltas pov....

I lay here watching feeling my life ebb away as my daughter elenor passes my memory to the little sisters we saved before passing a doll of me into the sea I once made my home ...the doll a idol made by the little ones to remember me when they were in thier darkest of times ... now shall pass on finally letting my spirit rest.... i then pass out .

elenor pov

as i drain dads adam so he will remain with me even through death i hear a voice behimd me"looks like your fights over elenor..." i turn around quickly seeing a girl maybe 5-6 years older than me.

"who are you?"i i ask suprised by the sudden appearance of the girl... "im elizabeth but thats not important ... what is is the adam you just collected... it has somewhere it needs to reach... somewhere far from here there is a lighthouse named beacon academy... there he can live the life he didnt get to here..." "why should i trust you?" "because ... in my timeline deltas name is comstock... and he was my father... he locked me in a tower guarded by a ... tourtured morphed version of himself named the songbird... his way of protecting me from myself... elenor i understand you want him with you... but this is his fate to follow the lighthouse... " "how will he get there?"

"we pour him in the sea..."

in a different universe...

qrows pov

" another..." i sat there drinking at my favorite bar by the beach the day after graduation when i got a text from my sister...when i check it she had said " i finally confessed to him and he said yes...." i smiled for the first in a long time but my happy mood was intterupted as i heard a loud metalic groan before turning around and seeing a bullhead crash nearby. "call the cops..." i said and ran to the bull head only to find it empty except for a baby and strange analgomation of metal and flesh that looked to be protecting it...

"well fuck"

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