the trek for modernization....

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so the next morning started off like any other day go to the lab make coffee and get to work... however when i got there i saw Candice on my computer looking at the original elemental battle armor blue prints... so me being me snuck up behind her and whisper in her ear "WHATS YA GOT THERE!" i scared the shit out of her... "uhhh i-i was just looking i got curious and wanted to see how to use this device and i saw these suits ... oddly ... i think i can build them..." " wouldn't surprise me i mean knowing what happened to me something similar probably happened to you... these are just rough sketches when i tried building them they could only run a few minutes ..." "what happened ?" "the conciseness of a entire underwater dystopia got shove into my head .... " "sounds similar except for me it wasn't a under water dystopia ... it was a space war some psychopaths decided to take over the galaxy ... in the end we defeated them ... but once the last survivor of the war died i woke up here in this life..." "sounds far kinder than mine... mine had.... well i can actually show you... " "what do you mean?" in that world they had advanced technology through a different path ..." i pull a little sister needle out of a box and i hear her say "that's a big needle" yea in rapture there were small girls running around with these draining liquid Adam from the veins of corpses all through the city...." i stab myself and squeeze the trigger a couple of times so it fills... "does it hurt ?" " not anymore ... i took what they learned and used it to build a world i could live with... a legacy... " i hand it to her drink from the rubber side...." is it safe? " the first time no ... but after that it gets easier... but it is extremely addictive .... so remember small sips..." she takes a small sip as her whole body is immediately covered in flames lighting and various other plasmid effects screaming the whole time but after a few seconds she passes out and i lay her in the cot as some of our sisters arrive "don't worry she's fine i let her see what i saw she'll wake up in a few minutes ... " our sisters start sitting around as i see the oldest (Charlie) look at the computer screen for a second before telling me shell be right back.... when she comes back a bunch of the townsfolk came with her carrying large pieces of what looks like elementals except the designs were far more advanced and looks like they all exploded... plasma and nuclear blast scars coat them then once all of them are here Charlie then says "you know what these are don't you?" ... elementals... a type of mech i was trying to build..." "mech?" "well its closer to mechanical armor than a full mechanical war machine... but i any time i built one the power drain on them was immense and unfortunately i couldn't find a power source that would last long enough to make it viable... but... it seems whoever made these found a viable power source but not the technology to utilize it... who built these? " " Candice begged us to build it... but some of these materials i have never heard of... " " can you get me a list? i bet i know some useable replacements..." "sure also there was one more thing she tried making... ill have it sent here..." "ok thanks..." she soon returned with the list and a huge partially acceptable salts maker... " oh geezus tell me that's not wood...." "it is... " "i can flat out tell you why this didn't work... its not made from correct materials and probably... " i open the ingredient hatch to almost instantly throw up "oh god she filled it with fish and sulfur" i slam the hatch shut "that's disgusting... not to mention the fact its the entirely wrong ingredients for salts..." "salts?" "it'll take to long to explain it'll be quicker for me to just build one... " but looking at the list... these are ... actually fairly common materials... huh... wait... you guys have plutonium.... that's what i was missing... ohhh thisll be fun... "

time skip to the beat of knight building a hundred elementals in one day...

as Candice awoke she saw me modifying a elemental to have a hacking tool for its left hand.... "hey morning sleepy head..." uhh that hurt like hell..." "at least you didn't bash your head into a wall like neo... " neo bops me on the head for the remark before saying" anyways you hungry? " " a bit" she responded before noticing the elemental and going full on nerd mode over it.

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