Chapter 1: I don't need a map, my heart points me to you

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It was all dark and white, he was not able to open his eyes no matter how much he wanted to,he felt as if something heavy was settled on his eye lids. He wondered if heaven had beds this hard or if he was still in the transport vehicle that was carrying him from Earth to Heaven. He could feel ropes attached to his hands, so he guessed he was tied to a table in a vehicle that must be flying smoothly as he did not feel any shaky or swaying movements.

It was all peaceful until he suddenly heard a burst of voices;

"Young Master Wei, I should not have let you drive that damn car on your own. Because of my negligence and incapability we almost lost you, I am such an useless agent for not being able to protect you" that was Wen Ning, what was his agent and best friend doing in heaven?

"A-Ning, it's not your fault if that headstrong, stubborn mule wanted to take the car to go have his stupid Emperor's smile at 10 pm. Do not worry, he is alright, he just hit his head badly and has a concussion and minor injuries, I have given him the pain medication and put a cast for the minor hairline fractures on his legs. Removed all the glass shrads and dressed the wounds neat and clean. Good thing his car could take the hit and kept him safe and the glass pieces did not damage any major blood vessels " that was Wen Qing, Wen Ning;s older sister, he considered her as his sister too, she acted like one anyway. So he was not in heaven, just on a hospital bed, and he was not tied with ropes, but just IV drips and other electrodes connecting to the vital monitors. How stupid of him to think he would have an easy death and reach heaven this early in life, he had a long life with hurdles set in his path at every turn. At least he had friends who worried about him.

"Why isn't he awake, it's been a whole night since we found him. Wen Qing, are you sure he is alright, shouldn't you be running more tests and give him more medicines. I have never seen him stay this still in my entire life, not even in his sleep" and that was my annoying baby brother who thinks he is the responsible one and tries to take care of me. I can see the peace i just found flying away through the window.

"Jiang Wanyin, if you ask these questions just one more time I will kick you out of this room and bar you from entering again. I said he is fine, so he is fine. You better be prepared to listen to his blabbering anytime now" Wen Qing replied as calmly as she could, this was a hospital and her work place, she would not loose her cool in here, she might find Jiang Cheng later and brake his bones.

"I hope you haven't opened that big mouth of yours and informed your sister about this. She is on her honeymoon and does not deserve to be disturb with this minor accident" I heard Wen Qing ask Jiang Cheng.

"No, I was about to call her, but Mom and Dad stopped me from doing that. Good thing I called them first and not her. Dad said he will fly down to Beijing from New York today to see Wei Ying, he will be here soon. Mom might not come as she is very busy with some charity gala in Paris. Since he is out of danger now, I have told her she can finish her work and come later. I hate that they are not nearby when we need them" Jiang Cheng's voice was almost sad and unhappy, he missed his parents. Even though they are my adoptive parents, I miss them too. It's good that they haven't told Jie Jie about this, that peacock brother-in-law of mine might kill me for disturbing their happy time.

I finally felt I could open my eyes, I tried opening them and speaking at the same time. I could not immediately form any words, a small painful sound escaped my mouth and i could hear gasps all around me. I opened my eyes to see a worn out Jiang Cheng leaning over me, I turned my head to see Wen Ning on my right with tear filled eyes. Wen Qing who was in her Doctor's coat and looking neat as always was checking my monitors. I felt an unknown weight leaving me after seeing the faces of people I love and promptly let a breath escape and closed my eyes again.

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