Chapter Nine: The Cursed Mark

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Your p.o.v
"House arrest? Can the academy even do that?" "Yes, since you are a student and have ties they have offical say when it comes to any laws that you may have broken" "But I didnt curse her! I dont even know how to curse anyone!"

Kid gave me a sympathetic look before turning to the mirror he brought with him. "Just keep your cool ok?" Nodding he dials Lord Death in the mirror and has me take it.

"Hiya (y/n), long time no see" "Hello lord death" "I see we have quite a conundrum on our hands here" "Lord death I have no idea what happened but I dont even know how to curse people" "I know, but odds are stacked against you here, I'm sorry" frowning I hand the mirror to kid and collapse on the couch.

I knew what that meant, Elaine found a way to finally keep me silent, so now theres no way I can go to my friends about this. Not now anyways. That's when it hit me.

She is playing her game of chess like father did, except my life is the game board and everyone else around me are the pawns. The two kings are in heated battle and I'm getting closer and closer to check mate.

I knew the only shot I had at clearing my name was Soul.

Souls p.o.v
Pacing back and forth outside of the dispensary I was growing impatient. Stien said it shouldnt take long but here we are three hours later. Maka could tell I was growing impatient because she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Soul, everything's going to be alright" "Alright!? (Y/n) hit her, left Elaine in emotional distress and cursed her all because she was jealous I was dating her older sister!"

When the last bit of that sentence escaped from my lips Maka became shocked. I forgot El was keeping her secret and there I went blabbing it. "Elaine is (y/n)'s sister!? How? What?" "I know, I didn't understand at all either"

We both stood their in silence until Stien opened the door letting us in. Sitting up in the far right bed was El, she had a bandage on her head and cheek but besides that she seemed to be ok. "El!" Rushing to her side I pulled her into an embrace, practically squeezing the life out of her.

"Soul I cant breathe!" She pushes me off and exhales deeply before laughing. "You had no faith in me?" "Of course I did" "A little curse wont stop me silly" "yeah your right"

We exchanged a few more smiles before Maka interrupted. "Little curse? Mhm intresting, I was told different" and like that the look on Els face dropped. What was Maka trying to get at.

Elaine's p.o.v
Damn her!

Of course the one time she was inept to listen and she chooses this moment!?

"So?" "I was just saying Maka, are you accusing me off doing this to myself?" "Yes I am actually" "Its cause your bestfriends with my sister" "Yeah it is, and I know my bestfriend better than her own partners, she is against everything your father stands for, why would she go and do something like this now?"

"Causes she jealous, at her return party she tried to steal my boyfriend!" "Oh please! It was a song! She did that for her, it was her way of moving on and healing! Your the one who lied right professor stien?"

Looking to screw brains all he had was a smirk on his face. "Your correct Maka, it seems that she did fabricate a lie to try and Make her own sister look bad"

At this point I felt any and all power I had in this situation was depleting. My cover was blown and if I didnt blow this popsicle stand soon, I would end up in that dungeon not my sister (y/n).

"Bravo, you found me out, it's a shame I couldnt keep this shenanigan up for long" "El what are you talking about" "I played you, that's what, it's a shame I cant stay and play a bit more"

I jumped out of the bed and headed towards the window, pushing it open. "By the way Soul, all the feelings you've felt are fake, once I'm gone you'll be able to return to normal" and like that, I jumped and fled town, running away as fast as I could.

Your p.o.v
It's been a few hours since Maka came and told me what took place at the academy. Elaine confessed to everything and managed to escape, I knew from this point on things were going to be hard.

One of the things she told me pertained to Soul and how he went back to himself once she was gone. I wanted to believe he loved me but it was too soon, even with the illusion spell she used the effects are brutal.

Soul was going to feel all the pain of me being gone, to yelling at me, to ending our relationship and then the one with Elaine. It will hurt for a while but like she said, he would go back to himself.

That's why I was here in my apartment and not at Makas.

"Hey cheer up (y/n)" looking up, I saw the twins giving me sympathetic looks. "Your off house arrest, everyone knows the truth and now your life should be a bit better" "I suppose" "It will"

Shrugging off Hunters comment I get up and travel to my room, collapsing onto the middle of my floor.

Even though today was a victory, we still have many more to come. Today's battle was ours for the taking but the war, well it's only just began.

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