Chapter 1

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Important Authors notes: Okay so in accordance with my very own character flaw I did with this what I do with many stories sadly- I planned a whole thing got far enough that I went ahead and announced it but got bad writers block and lost inspiration. This happened right when End Game came out and messed up the story in my head and totally depressed me and I still haven't recovered (I probably never will). However I do have multiple chapters written and I figured I would publish those and if inspiration comes I'll continue later.

Please note that

1. All of this was written before End Game came out and based on theories and stuff I heard based on what was coming next so it has some similarities (very very small ones) but for the most part is my own little thing so here it is, chapter one!

2. I am posting this just because it was written so why waste precious words but this is a rough draft. My other stories I usually rewrite 30 times (and still usually dont like because I am my worst critic) before posting, this is just my unedited ideas put to computer, really so dont judge please.

And 3. THIS IS A SEQUEL. Do not read without reading Dependence please, otherwise you will be confused.

And lastly, a shameless self promo, go check out Suit of Armor, it's another Stark Daughter fic!

Okay sorry I am done: continue please:

Peyton watched the agents move around the helicarrier and let her eyes scan over the computers. She was nervous. She had to be careful, if she changed one wrong thing she could make things worse rather than better. It was honestly a good thing that Natasha knew the situation, she would be spending a lot of time with the Avengers someone needed to know so they could back her up if she refused to do something. There were certain things she just couldn’t interfere with and Natasha had always held an air of leadership over the other heros.

    She turned to see Coulson talking to Steve about his vintage trading cards and smiled. She had gotten close to the future Coulson from all the times she came down for training. She knew all about his collectibles and his love for Captain America. 

“So, Stark has a kid?” Natasha asked quietly. Peyton looked up at her.

“Two, actually- twins. Right now they’re eleven and living in Queen’s with their aunt and uncle.” she explained. Natasha nodded.

“Huh.” Before they could continue their conversation Agent Sitwell spoke up (Peyton had to stop herself from scowling at the man) with a hit on where Loki and his mind controlled agents were.

“We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Weight, cross match, seventy-nine percent.”

“Location?” Coulson asked.

“Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding.” Sitwell replied.

“Captain,” Director Fury said, “you’re up.”


    Peyton sat next to Natasha on the Quinjet looking down at Steve arguing with Loki.

“Ready?” Natasha asked.

“Don’t ask me, I’m an observer, not interfering.” Peyton insisted while sitting on her hands. Natasha chuckled and swooped down. Soon AC/DC music began blaring through the speakers.

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