The Inner Struggle

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Louis: Y/N are you listening, dude...

Y/N: What!

Louis: What the answer for number 7

Y/N: What's the question say

Louis: When did the attack on Pearl Harbor happen, you know like the date dude

Y/N: Oh easy... the dates December 7, 1941

Louis: Thanks... By the way, Mr. President are you okay because that took like 15 seconds longer then it would normally take you to answer a history question

Y/N: Just thinking ya know I just got a lot on my mind at the moment

Louis: Still no word from Justin

Y/N: Not even a text or nothing

Louis: Well you got your girlfriend back, your dog, and so does Vi, so at least try to smile dude

Y/N: It's just that somethings eating away at me right now ya know and I just can't put my finger on it or take it much anymore for that matter

Louis: Well President homecoming dance is in like two days, so get hyped for it and don't be a party pooper like Aasim, were team fun right, not team borning

Y/N: I'll try to man honest... but it's just so hard

Lee: Y/N there's someone here for you

Officer Walsh: Son I think you should come down with me

Y/N: What for sir

Officer Walsh: Your a legal ward of the state now and we have bring you into foster care now

Clem looks at Lee to do something

Lee: Well can we at least talk about this and why does he need an officer to escort him off of the premise

Officer Walsh: That's because I heard that last time they ran into the kid he ran away from them so now they called me in here to do the job

Louis: Y/N...

Y/N: (Sighs) Dammit I hate it when Gills right

Officer Walsh: Please put your hands behind your back son

Y/N: Yeah yeah I get it and I ain't your son old man

Louis looks at you and the officer

Louis: Uh Mr. officer sir your shoes are untied

Louis pushes him off of you

Louis: Y/N RUN!


You don't take a second to spare and hall ass out of that class

Y/N: Bye officer asshat!

You run around the corner and see a friendly face

Violet: Calm down Y/N why you running so fast

Y/N: Can't talk I'm in hot pursuit!

Violet: From what!

Y/N: The cops!

You run past another corner and see the office area with the door

Officer Walsh: Hey you did to see a kid running around here

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