The Real World

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You're on the ground clothes all tattered up and cut upon your face, until you gaze forward to see Justin standing in front if you with bloody fists, shaking like a scared child

Justin: Oh fuck, what the hell did I do?

Y/N: Are you finished?

Justin: Look I'm sorry, I didn't want any of these... I didn't mean for this to happen look I fucked...

He sprints away from you in tears while you're left there on the ground in shock, you can't run after him though, it's almost as if you cannot move

Y/N: No Justin stop, don't leave me brother!

But he continues running away, eventually fading away in the distance until he's finally gone forever, and just like that out of nowhere you're snapped back into reality


Y/N: Ugh, yeah, I'm aware... It's hard not to hear when you scream right inside my goddamn ear, you old bat!

Sub: Don't you dare cope an attitude with me young man... What's your name?

Y/N: It's Louis Sulieman

Louis: Excuse me? But what was that?

Sub: I was told you're quite the class clown Mr. Sulieman

Y/N: Yes... yes I sure am

Louis: Yo teach, your shoes are untied

Sub: Wait, I don't even have shoe lasses

Y/N: Oof

Louis: Got ya

Sub: I hate highschool kids, I don't get enough respect from you to be paid a minimum wage salary... Now pay attention to the lesson!

But you zone her out, whatever she's saying you could honestly care less for

Y/N: (Man I wish we could just skip math... I mean for christ sake, half the class saw Joan's head get blown off her body as stated by Louis, man that shit Is still crazy to hear... And I still can't even remember it all, I see is bits and pieces of that crap... Do I have PTSD? No... This is crazy, I never liked Mrs. Joan she was a mean old lady but for her to die, that's entirely different, I guess even she had her moments, I like her compared to this substitute that's for sure... Wait I fucking second, where did all my shit get taken? My things at home after dad died, cause I doubt he remembered to write up a will and besides how the hell would I pay the bills for that damn house... Or shit what about Rocky? Where the hell is that little mutt at? What the fuck did they do with my damn dog? I've got to figure this the hell out, screw school)

Finally you start to pay more attention after your thoughts begin to subside a bit

Sub: Okay the question is "1x+ 2y=w" Now how do I start this problem? Anyone? Well how about you Louis Sulieman?

Louis: Uhh... it's, um

Sub: I said Sulieman? Now quit trying to play stupid jokes upon me, I know you kids love to pretend to switch your names around when the sub is present but I'm not having it... Now Louis, how will I start this equation?

Y/N: Well you see... You wanna umm, to you know, take the what you call it and bring it over there with that other number, so you can add it and then you umm... Do some other things and stuff

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