vore headcannons

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Ah yes,my boyos are finally getting headcannons for vore.

These aren't the best but i tried ok?

* Sides as predators*

~Patton is a nice pred,no fearplay

~Roman is an excited pred,maybe fearplay but he's just joking

~Virgil will scare the living hell out of you without a moments hesitation

~Logan doesn't particularly like storing tinies,he finds it illogical and messy

~Remy (YES HE IS A SIDE IN MY BOOK!!!! HE IS BABEY) likes to nap while storing,though he tosses and turns a lot.

*Sides as prey*

~Patton will do anything to have "bonding time" with (Y/N) or any of the other sides,including being stored.

~Roman likes to pretend he's a "Brave Knight" and your a scary dragon,it usually goes like this,he's very over dramatic,and says "You MOVE too much! Can't you sit still (Y/N)!?" But when it comes to the other sides,he's usually quieter (Especially with Virg)

~Virgil is a scared little anxious babey,he'll yell at you if it gets to rough and cry of you scare him badly

~Logan doesn't like being stored,period end of story,he doesn't put up a fight like Virgil but he'll throw some facts at you,and complain.

~Remy doesn't care where the fuck he is,as long as he gets his sleep!! Just don't keep him in storage for too long,he gets whiny sometimes

*Sides as borrowers*

~Patton will come up to you if your having a sad day,hive you a smol hug,tell you it's alright,and leave. If you can convince him to let you store him,he'll usually not be as willing as if he was tiny and not a borrower.

~Roman will run,bite,kick,anything to get away if you catch him. He doesn't like humans,especially not the predator kind.

~Virgil will straight up cry,he'll try and hide in his hoodie but he'll straight up cry. He is very unwilling,very very unwilling.

~Logan will recite the fucking borrowers code when caught,stating he has to leave. Then he'll make a not-so-graceful escape. It's kinda hard to catch him

~You'll probably find Remy sleeping in a hoodie of yours or somewhere warm,he's the most willing of all the sides 

*Things that each side likes in vore*

~Patton: Lots of affection,no fear play

~Roman: Roleplay,maybe SOME fear play but not that much

~Virgil: Lots and lots of fear play (If Giant),no fear play (If tiny),In fact,he'd rather not be stored at all,but he has no choice

~Logan: Talking about logical things,and the pred reading to him once he's in the storage

-Remy: "All I want is my f****** sleep"

Did you guys like these? I liked making them,but not writing them :D

Once again,I'm still taking requests and I will make a few plots so I can turn this into a Semi-Roleplay book too!~

Have an amazing day my little monsters

Sanders Sides Writing,drawing,and headcannons!! (G/T)Where stories live. Discover now