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I'm exited for this chapter, I hope y'all enjoy.

Sophie's POV
My heart dropped and bile scrambled for my throat. "What do you mean it doesn't work!" I screeched "Try again!" I reached for Fitz's hand and squeezed it. Fitz let go of my hand and grabbed my shoulders trying to steady my shaking form. "Sophie," his crisp accent rang through my shock. "Please stop, you're going to hurt yourself." He pleaded softly, reaching for my back to pull me into his embrace. I stood there resting my head in his chest for what seemed like forever. "I know exactly why her enhancing doesn't work." I heard Keefe growl from across the room and the shuffle of Biana's heels. I turned my head towards Keefe and rested it on Fitz's shoulder. "What do you mean Keefe?" Dex asked Keefe in a tone that sounded utterly confused. "Yes, please explain Mr.Sencen." Magnate Leto encouraged, but Keefe tensed. "Don't call me that." He spat before sighing and calming down. "It's something I heard while double-crossing the Neverseen." He paused to look me in the eyes. "The neverseen might be unraveling her dna." My eyes flew open after he spoke. I separated from Fitz and stared Keefe down with tears welling in my eyes. "What does that mean?" Magnate Leto asked. "The Neverseen are most likely taking Sophie's dna and stripping it away." I shook my head violently. "And what will that do!?" I asked with fear laced in my voice. "They're making you talentless." Keefe spoke breaking my gaze and looking at Fitz instead. "No that can't be happening, I have more than one ability they can't take all 5!" My shoulders shook as the surface tension broke and my tears fell. I heard Biana walk close to me and run my back soothingly. "Then why are her memories disappearing?" Dex asked while walking towards Biana and I. "That," Keefe started but paused. "Thats what I'm not sure about. Maybe they wanted to check her brain like the Forklenator did to see if it was working, but erased her memories to ensure she wouldn't catch on?" Keefe guessed, but it made sense. "Her alicorn dna is disappearing, and that means her brown eyes are too." Fitz said. "But, I think they didn't take into account that I overheard this 'plan'". Keefe added. I raised my head to look at everyones faces. "I'm so sorry you guys." I muttered not being able to hold the gaze for long. "Why are you sorry Sophie? This is the Neverseen's fault not yours." Dex assured, but that made my heart wrench. "Soon, I'm going to loose all of my abilities, so I'll be useless." Fitz snapped at my words and started pacing his steps and swiftly walking towards me. I flinched when he was about 2 feet away but Magnate Leto coughed interrupting him. "We can assume that your abilities will disappear in order, so your teleporting would be next. And hopefully they don't fully disappear immediately." Biana seemed to loosen her grip on me. "Why wouldn't they disappear immediately?" She asked him. "Well, Sophie's has had her enhancing ability for a good 4 or 5 months. She escaped from the Neverseen 2 months ago, but was asleep for about a month." I raised my eyebrow at his suggestion. "Are you saying that my abilities will take the amount of time from when I got the ability to when I got this anti-alicorn virus to disappear?" This gave me some hope to find a cure before I became completely talentless, but it could just be a guess. "So it would take 9 years for my telepathy to disappear completely?" I asked Magnate Leto. He shook his head. "Now Miss.Foster, don't get your hopes up, I'm not 100% sure yet, and I don't want to get you excited." I nodded solemnly. "Now I'm sure your parents are all worried about you, you all should head home. I'll look into this." Magnate Leto said waving us off.

The 5 of us left his office and sat on the benches outside for a good minute in complete silence. "Can you leave Sophie and I alone for a few minutes, we'll catch up." Fitz spoke and the 3 of them quickly rushed off sending the tension that was building. "Fitz I know you might be mad at me-!" I started but Fitz interrupted me before I could finish. "Sophie, never ever say you're useless again." Fitz pleaded with his gorgeous teal eyes blazing with remorse. I let out a sigh of relief. I thought that you were mad at me. I transmitted just happy that it even worked. Sophie say that you'll promise me, please. Fitz continued pleading. I grabbed his hand softly, trying to be strong. "I promise Fitz." I smiled sadly and he did the same. "Thank you Soph." My heartbeat picked up rapidly as he spoke leaning closer towards me. I thought he would stop moving closer, but he didn't.

(Just a reminder that this book was originally written while I was reading Nightfall. I can't just change everything, so the ability times are right after Lodestar.)

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