Ring Ding Ship Chase

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I walk down the streets of Roanapur, greeted by many people, I'm pretty popular because of my ties to Balalaika and the lagoon company.

 "Hey Ghost." calls an old man sitting in front of a shop eating some food. "Come over here and have some food." He says. "I have something to tell ya!"

 I walk towards the old man, his name is Ki, he's one of the oldest in Roanapur, everyone respects him. 

I sit at a chair across the little table he is at. And he passes me a bowl of noodles with chicken and herbs.

 "I know pasta's yer' favorite." 

"Yes, thank you. So you were waiting for me?"

 "Yes. You patrol the streets all day, every day. Honestly, you make this town safer than what it would be if you weren't here, even tough it's still fucked up. So I thought of telling you some info for free." I look down and eat some noodles,

'He's right, I stop most of the sex crimes in this town and protect the children. But either way, I still kill people.'

"Oh right, what was I gonna say?" Ki asks himself while stroking his beard. "Oh yeah! Chin is really pissed right now because Balalaika and her crew of russkies are taking over everything of his. They're taking all of his girls, the rights to their hotels, even the Heroin routes. All they got left is the sea routes. I have a feeling he's not going down easy, he might go after you guys since you're all so friendly with her." 

"Hm, That seems like a possibility. I'll keep it in mind. Thank you for the food Ki." I say standing up. I grab some money put it on the table and I start walking away. 

"Hey! I said you didn't have to pay!" He yells. 

"Take care." I say ignoring him. 

I walk down to the lagoons office to check in. I walk up the stairs. "Hey Ghost, perfect timing. We have a job." Says Dutch. 

"Who's the employer?" I ask turning to walk down the stairs to the car.

 "Donnie yen."

 "In that case, I suggest we be careful. Balalaika's Ivan's are taking over all of Chin's places of income. He might be coming after us, since we're close with Balalaika. Donnie has beef too so there's a possibility that they can be working together." 

"Yeah, I know. That asshole, Chin, started bitching to me about it earlier, I'm pretty sure that he was threatening us." 

After that we started our job. I sit on the lookout of the boat looking for other ships. 

"Ghost? You're still up there?" Asks Dutch on the earpiece.


"It's been hours... Damn, when your gut tells you something, you really do stick to it." He sighs.

 Then finally something happens. "Ghost there's several boats approaching. Do you have eyes on them?" Asks Benny over the earpiece. 

"Their speed is around 28 knots. They're defiantly not cops looking for Pirates to arrest... Dutch."


"My gut is telling me that this is Chin coming after us, and by the looks of the boats, it's Luak, Chin managed to get him after us?"

"Looks like it, but I can't guarantee it though."

The boats get closer. "By the looks of it, they blew straight past a yellow warning and straight to red." Dutch then speeds up the boat to max speed. 

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