♪Nice To Meet You♪

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It was morning and I was too lazy to get up. I stretch before going on to my phone. I look at the time and realize I'm late to a meet up with an old friend of mine. "Shit" I curse under my breath as I get up to get changed. I hate mornings. They disrupt good dreams. Scrolling to find the Uber app and schedule a Uber to pick me up and take me to the meet up spot: the park.

I quickly scurry to my closet and grab the first thing I see. A hoodie. Not just any hoodie, one of my favorites gifted from my grandmother who passed a couple months ago. Don't get me wrong, I miss my grandmother but I know she would much rather see me happy than mourn her death. I quickly put my pants on than move on to the hoodie and slip it on.

I'm not that confident about myself but this hoodie makes me feel good. I grab my Gucci bag with a couple other products from Gucci. I didn't normally bring those things with me but today felt like I needed to. I swiftly put my rose gold Beats around my head than bend down to slip on black Converse.

I open the front door than lock it. I dashed to the impatient Uber driver. I quickly get in. I apologize to the driver. He glares at me than says. "Waiting cost extra." I scoff. Asshole. I sigh. "Whatever sure, just hurry up I'm late. Please and thank you." I lean back into the cushion.

At the location

"Thanks." I glance at the driver than get out. Stretching I head to a bench with no one around. A kind of secretive place me and my childhood friend found. I relax for a second before turning tense hearing a noise behind me where a pathway leads to a dark area.

 I relax for a second before turning tense hearing a noise behind me where a pathway leads to a dark area

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Kinda like that.

"I swear if that little shit Henry is trying to scare me." Henry my childhood friend was always trying to pranks me. He must be the same way he was years ago. I walk across the cement tightly holding my bag getting ready to wack him. I turn to the right, as I walk into the dark area before everything starts to spin, letting go of my closed purse and hugging my knees as I fall into nothing.

I open my eyes after what feels like forever And spot a handsome man with dimples smiling at me. "Is this yours?" The man asks with a candle voice, his voice was addictive. I just stare at my purse in between his hands. I've never thought this before but I wanna be my purse right this now! "Oh, thanks!" I smile at him before gently taking my purse from his grasp. As I look behind him I find six other handsome guys.

My eyes wander to a with very pale skin. His eyes a bit droopy which made him look very attractive. His nose was cute, a simple downwards slope. His lips, aren't exactly big or small, there just enough. They're so evenly balanced between the two upper and bottom lip. And his jawline, Throat slitting jawline that could cut through iron. I realize I was checking him out.

"Are those my headphones?" I ask the cute guy i was checking out a couple seconds ago. "Uh, yeah I think so." He passes them to me. His voice was extremely beautiful, his raspy voice could melt any females (and males) hearts. The dimple man speaks again.

" I'm Kim Namjoon and these are my brothers. This one right here," he puts his arm on the cute guy's shoulder. "This Min Yoongi. The one with the broad shoulders is Kim Seokjin, Jin for short. Short one with the thick lips Park Jimin. The one with scar on his face right next to Jimin is Jungkook, muscle kid I tell ya. Kim Taehyung, the guy with a mole on his nose and looks attractive in anything. And the one with the heart lips is Jung Hoseok." He introduces them.

"Cool, I'm Hak Y/N. Nice to meet you." I send them a smile. The Jimin guy turns to me. "How did you even get into our private Garden? It's one of the most protected places in Wonderland!" He interrogates. "Boy, I don't know. I was just in a park and than somehow I ended up here." I respond. Jungkook speaks up. " I believe her." Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok agree.

" I don't." Yoongi replies and locks eyes with me. "How else would she have gotten in here? Or are you a 'she'? Some people in our kingdom like to change gender." Jin stands up for me and also questions my gender. I chuckle. "I'm a female." "Let's just help her out." Hoseok suggests. "What about mom? She's gonna be pissed." Taehyung says and rolls his eyes.

"Mom doesn't need to know." Jungkook smirks. "F-fine, but who would she shares rooms with, we have extra rooms but mom would definitely notice it can't be namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, or Hoseok cause mom checks up on you guys a lot cause your rooms closer to hers. And I wouldn't want to share a room with her." Jimin complains. Hoseok small smile falls, after a few seconds the smile comes back. "Yoongi~," Hoseok whines. "But I have tons of stuff she could ruin-"Yoongi refuses. "please!" Hoseok tries again.

"Fine." He locks eyes with me than turns away. "How are you guys so kind?" I ask. "We aren't just nice but handsome,too!" Jin comments and playfully winks at me. Yoongi looks at me. "Aren't you coming?" He impatiently questions. "Oh yeah."

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