Hajime x reader|

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             You look down at your desk organizing the papers you had to deliver to the warden. You have been working hard on a solution to keep the inmates of cell 13 away from trouble, but it seems as if you have to lie in your reports to the warden again.
       You were one of the few girls in Nanba, which left you at a few disadvantages. The male  prisoners would always swarm you, either using cheesy pick up lines or being down right perverted to gain your attention.  (*cough cough* trios and honey *cough*)
        But even though the prisoners were a handful, the guards could be just as bad. Kiji would always try to give you makeovers and transfer you to his building, and Kenshirou would always ask you for tips on how to impress the warden. You also tended to start a lot of fights between the guards. But the one thing that you could do that nobody else could was break up fights between Samon and Hajime.
          You always have had a crush on Hajime since you came to Nanba, you just like his ways of doing things. Working in the same building as him was a real blessing for you. Luckily for you he seemed to give somewhat of a likeness back. He always stood up for you and helped when the inmates started stuff with you. He also takes a lot of what you say into consideration rather then ignoring it. The sad thing is, these are the only likings he takes to you. You can comfortably consider him a good friend, but with the way he's been that's the most it will be.
      Not that you have a problem with that, I mean you would rather be friends then nothing but, you just wish more could happen between you.
You get up from your seat and carry the paperwork prepared to head to the warden. You walk out your office door and bump into a guard.
"Sorry sir, I'll watch where I'm going next time," you say stumbling back a few steps. To your surprise you look up and see your supervisor looking down on you.
"It's fine, I'll just watch where I'm going next time, no big deal," Hajime said looking at you.
"Well, I'm off to the warden to deliver some papers," you say looking down.
"Funny, I was headed there too, to deliver my report on number 15," Hajime said with a nervous look. You knew Hajime was terrified of the warden, and completely oblivious to her crush on him. But you wanted to do the right thing in this situation.
"Hajime, if you want I can take it for you, I mean I'm already going there and you probably have a lot more work to do too," you say looking up a Hajime.
"Really? That's nice of you," Hajime says shoving you his papers with a relieved face. You two waves goodbye as you parted. You were off to the warden.

Time skip brought to you by a long ass train ride

You make your way back to your office to close up. Most of the guards are off now except for the ones on night duty. You walk past the break room to see Hajime's office door cracked open. The lights were off so you thought nothing of it. You open the door to make sure that nobody had snuck in there before you closed it. But before you could shut it, two large hands came and grabbed you, pulling you into the darkness.
The door closed and it was completely dark. The hands that had once grabbed you retreated, before turning your face around to see a candle lit on Hajime's desk. The candle left a soft light so you couldn't see it from the hallway.
           "Hajime?! Sorry to interrupt you, I just wanted to make sure nobody was sneaking in," you say looking at the candle. There you saw Hajime sit at his desk as your eyes adjusted to the dark.
           "No,no, I should be the one apologizing. I was gonna go get you but when I saw you in the hallway I pulled you in to make sure number 15 doesn't spot you. He tends to wander at night," Hajime said looking at his desk.
          "Oh, I see. What did you need me for?" You question Hajime. He looks at you and smiles.
          "Just to talk if I'm being honest, we don't get the chance to talk normally often with work," Hajime said glancing at me. It sent a shiver down your spine. 'Why would he want to talk to me now? And would it be just talking?!..... yes, it would. Gotta remember this is reality' you thought to yourself.
          "You know Hajime, we really don't get to talk often, it nice we can finally get some alone time with each other,"  you say glancing at Hajime with slightly innocent eyes. He looked at you and nodded his head agreeing with your statement. He continued to blabber on, with you sending flirtatious lines once and a while.
           He obviously wasn't taking the hint, but you couldn't blame him. If he didn't want to be with you he doesn't have too. So you just sit there and enjoy the time being with him.
         You look at the time and looked at Hajime, " Well it's getting late, you probably need some rest too." Hajime looks up at you before you start to walk.
         "Well, you know, I did call you here for a reason, and by the hints you've been sending me, I'm pretty sure you already know what it is," Hajime said looking up at you. You try to mustering up a response but before you got the chance, Hajime blew out the candle and pinned you to the wall.
        "I'm not good at this kinda thing, but if you stay with me you will be in good hands," Hajime says before sinking into your lips. You let him take complete control as your mind wanders. 'Is this really happening? I've only read about this stuff in shojo manga!' You thought to yourself.
         Hajime broke the kiss allowing you both to take a breath. You looked him in the eye and drifted in his gaze. Without hesitation you nodded, and Hajime scoped you up in his grasp.
        "Why don't you come back to my place tonight?" Hajime whispered in your ear. You kissed his cheek in approval as he carried you out of his office.
Hey reader-Chan! I hope you enjoyed the story! I was originally gonna make this a lemon but this ending just fit better in my opinion. But if you do want me to continue this, please feel free to say so.  ~author-Chan

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