Chapter 1

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Agent Fowler hated boats, more in particular anything making him be on water made him queasy. The ex-army ranger was not a sea man by heart as well as by gut, so when his superiors told him that he had to get on this ship to go see if this item found on an abandon island was alien related... he didn't chance it by eating breakfast.

The voyage was long and boring, and Fowler was doing everything and anything to keep his stomach from doing somersaults. So far he had blown chunks over the boats sides but they were only half way to the island so there was still time.

"Stupid boat." The agent grumbled as he leaned his head in his hand. "Why couldn't they have just let me fly over?" But flying wasn't an option they told him, he needed to see it up close and personal; and not from a cockpit of an aircraft. Looking off into the distance, Fowler saw nothing but water, water, and more water. But if he squinted his eyes he could just barely make out the image of the island they were heading for.

Groaning that they weren't there yet, Agent Fowler decided to head inside to rest but that plan was stopped dead cold as the ship's alarm horn sounded out. Watching the soldiers run past him, Fowler managed to grab ahold of one of them by the arm. "What's going on here, soldier?"

"A boat has come up on the other side of the ship. We believe that is fishing illegally sir." The soldier stated as he rushed off to follow his troops. Wondering what this mysterious ship looked like, Agent Fowler raced off after the men and soon found himself on the ships other side.

Just as the soldier had said, there was another ship. It was not as big as theirs but it was a good sized one with large nets, spears, and... bombs. Fowler couldn't believe what he was seeing, over a dozen men were on that dinky tug boat and dropping bombs into the water like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Someone get me a megaphone!" Fowler shouted and soon was given one. "Stop your fishing! You are breaking the law!" Agent Fowler shouted but the men on the ship ignored him as they dropped four to six bombs in the water and as the sunk deep into the sea they exploded and brought up what looked to be hundreds of dollars' worth in fish.

"Someone stop them!" Fowler shouted and a few men rushed off to find something to stop the illegal fishermen... but something was already beating them to it.

Speeding through the water like a blurry jet, the fishing men soon found themselves and their boat being pushed back away from the military ship at speeds that rivaled any ship. Watching this all happening, Fowler's jaw dropped at how quickly the boat had moved and how whatever did that shook the men up so much that they had stopped dropping their bombs.

"Wow, what weapon did you use that can do that?" Fowler asked as the men came back but were just as shocked as he was. "... That wasn't us sir." One of the men stated and it made Fowler look at him in shock. "Then who in the name of Uncle Sam did that?" the agent asked as they all turned back to the fishing boat to see the men looking over the boat in fear. The water around the boat was swirling madly and bubbles were floating up with a hiss. At first, Fowler thought it was like a underwater volcano but there was none reported around this area and the idea itself was blown away at what happened next.

Rising out of the water, separating the two boats, came what looked like a gigantic, humongous, towering sea monster. It was covered in all colored seaweed, shells, and other sea trash that masked it from the humans seeing it clearly but it made it no less terrifying.

"What is that thing?!" a soldier shouted out. "Let's get out of here!" another shouted and it made Fowler agree with him. The agent did not want to stay long enough to see if the monster would attack them like it was about to do with the fish boat.

As soldiers ran past him, Fowler could make out the sea monster moving closer to the other boat and it had its arm raised into the air ready to attack with what looked like large spear made of some kind of bone. Not sure what to do to help the illegal fishermen Fowler saw out of the corner of his eye that one of the law breakers already was on that.

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